I'm not trolling, which means that you're seriously underthinking this. Drugs carry a huge connotative stigma that influence the thoughts of users and nonusers alike, and as such the topic is best approached with careful thought. Besides, it's not like what I said is even strictly related to drugs. Anxiety is an identical plague in every area of life.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be approached with careful thought, I'm saying you making out like anyone who doesn't want to take drugs is somehow automatically a flawed, perpetually-anxious human being who cares too much about their image
is kind of bullshit.
I won't argue with anyone about drugs, because I know I'm not an expert, but suffice it to say we're not all self-centred nervous wrecks.
Piss off, some of us are just fine staying sober.
e: sorry to shit up this page, I'll shut up now.