This is the first time I have seen those poster images, and I've gotta say I much prefer the Big Bro slig design there to the one used in MO.
Maybe it's just me, but I find it a little hard to see any close resemblance between the sligs and MO Big Bro. I know they have the same features and colours and whatnot, but If I had to put my finger on something, I'd say it's the eyes- normal sligs look to have eyes on the sides of their heads, whereas the Big Bro mask gave the impression they were forward-facing?
On this poster however, with the mask the same as a regular slig, it just feels more to me like an evolution of that character/species. For some reason, I always felt the MO Big Bro's were a bit too different, to the point where they didn't look like they could be the same creature anymore!