Due to the awesome image of total Indiana Jones Failure and the photographic evidence provided, I'll hold off the END until MM can get his scanner scanning, or until he can go round a friend's house (assuming he has any MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Your pills Splat, remember your pills.
Anyone else who manages to get an entry in before MM also gets included, though as we have know idea when that'll be, I suggest you get busy.
Finally, is there anyone around who hasn't entered and has no intention of entering who would like to judge? Please note that by answering positively to this question, I cannot guarantee you a place on the panel, and I withhold the right to allow or disallow any applicant from being on the panel for any reasons of my own, which I am not at liberty to tell to anyone for a fee of less than £100.
Basically, if I accept you then it doesn't mean I like you.