Thankyou. That's my best birthday message so far, and I can't imagine it being contested any time soon.
Today was a really nice day. I've been ill for the last week and today was the first day I felt well enough to go back to school.
My dad had to leave for work earlier than normal today, so I awoke at 6:45 to receive a present from my parents. They gave me chocolates, jeans that didn't fit (we'll be swapping those for something else) and a preorder receipt for Portal 2. My preorder was the first logged on the Gametraders system that spans all Gametraders stores in Australia, so I'm pleased with that.
School was fun. Most people didn't know it was my birthday because I don't flaunt the date around, but the word soon spread. Some of my friends in the year above me sang a robust happy birthday in our music centre, where all of the musos like me congregate. Naturally, a few other people joined in. The day was filled with kind wishes and occasional hugs.
After school, I had an exciting afternoon tea with all 4 of my grandparents. It was intense. I was given a large dictionary, some socks (as a sign I'm ageing) and $50. My grandparents are all amusing people, too, so it was a good fun 2 hours of banter.
So, quite frankly, this is as good as fairly regular school days come.
Oh, I'm also planning on having a party in early April, because I have things planned on every weekend until then.