So... well... I started writing up a description of my weekend, but 1500 words later I figured it would fall in to the category of TL;DR. I've posted it in my (personal, not OWF) blog instead and anyone who's Facebook friends with me can access the link to it if they're interested. The short version follows.
Friday was my birthday proper. Had lots of phone calls and nice messages. We had a work meeting, which always has cake anyway, but they added a candle and everyone sang for me. Friday night went to dinner at dad's and they had my sister, brother in law, niece and the one set of relatives that I actually like there. The relatives gave me my only present; an alarm clock that projects the time on to the roof and a Dalek keychain.
Saturday lunch was at mum's, again with sister and co. Also took my niece down to the park, which was fun and awfully cute. Saturday night went to an Afghan restaurant with a group of friends and followed it up with drinks at a funky vodka bar. As per my special request, no presents were given. Thank god.
Then Sunday came along... such a good Sunday. Went to a barbecue attended by 60-odd people with special guest Amanda (Fucking) Palmer, whom I love. Saw a bunch of performers who were great, watched Amanda sing fantastically and got to touch her boob (unintentionally, she pulled my hand in whilst I was shaking hers), as well as have her poke both her tits and arse in my face.
So, that's the potted version, but suffice to say that this has been the best weekend of my life so far.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.