Looks good to me 
Anyway, do you plan release only on Steam? It's not good for me, I always wanted to play Munch's oddysee, but I don't have credit card to buy anything on Steam. And if you could say - What's the precentage of completion on OddBoxx (If you understood me  )
I don't have a credit card either, but I have linked my bank card to Paypal and used that to add funds to my Steam Wallet. Try doing that if possible
If not, just get a friend to donate and pay them back or something. That's what I did before I found Paypal :P
Also, YAY ODDBOXX NEWS! I noticed the extra 'x' on the site the other day but didn't think anything of it...
EDIT: This is pure speculation and I'm probably 100% wrong, but they didn't mention Sligstorm or Hand of Odd in the History tab, or even Citizen Siege (if that counts). But they devoted an entire paragraph to the Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot. Considering the re-release of Stranger, and the fact that the Ballad was going to use the same engine, perhaps that's one of the unnanounced projects?