Has anyone ever heard of number radio?
I can't remember how I found out about the phenomena but it was literally an hour ago, stems from a you tube poop but I believe I was originally looking at that funny Russian singer, y'know, the one who goes, lalalla la la la and has a funny face.
Anyway, before I begin, this is the video I found, a little bit funny but with a darker side!
So anyway, I looked it up on youtube and wikipedia, apparently, they are very little known about and when asked to comment, most governments tell people that they should not listen to these broadcasts or that it is illegal to do so!
Some of them are quite scary and spine chilling, Sweidsh Rhapsody and the little German girl one is rather horrible!
Apparently they are left over from the cold war, most of you know as much as I do atm but I suggest having a little dig up, apparently you can even tune in normally!