I decided to post pics of my family reunion party in Romania =D
so.. Here's Diana, Me, My sister, I forget her name, I forget his name:
My mom says Diana took care of me when I was a baby. She was happy to see me

She was really nice. I can't wait to meet these people again with Chris.
Here's My cousin Andy, his mom, me, and my sister:
Andy is pretty cool. He's a gamer

He used to play on my GBA when I was younger. I was happy to see him, and we was very well receiving. Not cold and distant like most people his age... In denmark at least.
His mom can sometimes be a bitch. But not to me and my sister. She found me a razor comb, which I am eternally grateful for

I have now cut my hair(So it looks different than in the pics).
And here's me and my sister and two others who I forget what connection they have with us x_x ... There were a lot of people to remember.
More people:
The old guy was amazing. He held a cool speech about keeping our family together and stuff
I can tell he meant really well. He seems like a very wise guy.
Oh and here's a pic of my sister, mom and granny and me =D
Hm... Photobucket seems to want to rotate my pic.. Why on earth x_x