The thing about Feeco Depot is that the level foregrounds were built using a set of templates that could be dragged, dropped and shifted around. That meant that they could experiment a bit more with the level design, which is why we see more variation in Feeco levels than others.
That makes sense now. The FeeCo Depot level does seem quite "monotonic" and easy to work on; but so are most other levels after FeeCo.
Here's another series of weird screenshots:
There are a few wrong things with these:
1. The Greeters are bigger than usual.
2. They lack their sensors.
3. Not only are they placed in locations where they don't appear in in the final game, they appear in locations that make no sense to put them. (For example, places with a very little places, and a place with a lot of Muds to save. They're not going to avoid the greeters, are they?)
4. It could be just me, but the LCD looks a bit funny.
This could mean a few things, either that:
1. These are not "real" in game screenshots but are edited, but it's unlikely since they look very different from the other "fakes".
2. These are taken from a development stage where greeters were just created and required testing, so they were placed in a few places (To see if they can handle many targets (Muds) at once for example. Personally I'd love seeing this! :P) to see if they behave correctly. (Later on they implemented the sensors and made them smaller)
or 3. Greeters used to have a different behavior which didn't use sensors. That different behavior made it logical to put them in these locations. Later when the behavior changed they were replaced.