Except it's not her own style. It's anime style clothes. And she obviously does care what people think. She wants a reaction.
That's your assumption. You don't know her and never met her. Maybe she just finds the style fun to wear. I know I'm the same way. I sometimes put on something really weird, or make my own clothes. And the reason for this is not attention. In fact, I'm so shy that I mostly loathe attention. I also don't wanna follow trends.
No.. The only reason I often dress differently is because of my need to extend my creativity in all aspects of my life. It's something that makes me actually happy. It raises the quality of my life.
But thing is, if you saw me on the street you'd probably look at me and think: "Just another person who tries too hard to be special."
It couldn't be farther from the truth though. I'm not doing it for others. I do it for me. If I wanted attention, I'd be super-social, wear girly, skimpy clothes and go to parties.
This is why I often find it extremely sad when people judge others before they even know them.
However, I do agree that a large portion of people who choose to be "different" do it because they just wanna seem like they have depth, when they don't. I've met my fair share of those people, and I find it quite sad.
I find the styles cute to look at though
Edit: Oh and the thing about it not being her own style: It's definitely more unique than what I've seen so far.