heh i was playing AO,at the scrabanian temple,at the part with lots of wells, right side of the temple second doors to the up i think,i chanted at the bells and when abe was about to posses the bells i activated dd cheat went up and used chant.He chanted like there was a slig there but he stopped, i went down and the bells were missing,plus the well turned green when i did that.
EDIT: i heard that in a demo version that it is possible to get to the secret glitched/bugged monsaic lines... i tried with some cheats but it didnt work....
EDIT: heh i lost a elevator platform at the zulag 4 at the 1st part near slog kernels,i was going back and poof, no elevator lol

EDIT:slig at a normal view(not from afar) he tried to kill abe like he was from afar.(he turns his head towards the camera and shoots in emptyness,witch is impossible)
EDIT: brewery zulag 4 healed muds,killed shaman,i gone with abe 2 times around the screen to get the sligs,2 time killed one slig and the shaman,got 1 casualtee,saved muds and it sead employees this zulag 255 employees in brewery 90 lol
EDIT:there is a glitch dying with ddcheat in AO,die in ddcheat mode possess a slig,and if u shoot abe you will unpossess him and the slig will be stoned,not dead but hell just stay there,still and he will not laught about abes death