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02-14-2010, 05:33 AM
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Yes, Fable III is in the works and should be here by Christmas. You play as the child of the Hero of Bowerstone's child, setting out on a quest to become the ruler of Albion and overthrow a tyrant. Set 50 years after Fable II, Albion is having its own Industrial Revolution and is being threatend by another nation.

So, will you be good or evil. Will you be Cruel or kind? Will this game have really crap face animations like Fable II? Will this game have too huch hype and leave people dissapointed over what is actually in it? It's all up to Lionhead and Peter Molyneux...
do you think i give a heck

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02-14-2010, 01:34 PM
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I'm not excited at all... I hate the whole idea of it, especially how it's set only 50 years after Fable II. I want to see the land changing more, damnit. That's what I liked about Fable II, Albion changed loads yet you could see the remains of places from Fable like Oakvale and the Guild. I'm hoping to god that Albion in Fable III will not look look the same as it does in Fable II.
Also, isn't this supposed to be the testing thing for Project Natal? It'll probably be full of bugs and shit. Maybe in a couple more years, but now? I just don't think it's ready. It's too soon after Fable II to be releasing another.

Sorry for being so negative, you can flame/argue, I don't mind. I wish they'd put a bit more thought into this is all. I think it'll be too much like Fable 2.
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02-14-2010, 01:50 PM
Clakker Relic Miner
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I'd do things to get fable 2 ported on PC, I can only wish for the third one.
Loved the lost chapters though
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02-16-2010, 01:54 AM
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I liked Fable and Fable2... so I'll probably buy Fable 3 and like it...

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02-16-2010, 09:08 AM
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I won't.

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02-16-2010, 12:58 PM
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Come on Steampunk
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02-16-2010, 01:02 PM
RayOni's Avatar
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I played only Fable 1.

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02-16-2010, 01:50 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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I'm not excited at all... I hate the whole idea of it, especially how it's set only 50 years after Fable II. I want to see the land changing more, damnit. That's what I liked about Fable II, Albion changed loads yet you could see the remains of places from Fable like Oakvale and the Guild. I'm hoping to god that Albion in Fable III will not look look the same as it does in Fable II.
Also, isn't this supposed to be the testing thing for Project Natal? It'll probably be full of bugs and shit. Maybe in a couple more years, but now? I just don't think it's ready. It's too soon after Fable II to be releasing another.

Sorry for being so negative, you can flame/argue, I don't mind. I wish they'd put a bit more thought into this is all. I think it'll be too much like Fable 2.
If you check the released information you'll see that it has grown far beyond Fable 2.

The industrial revolution is beginning, though earlier in Albion than in Britain (if the cultures are apt for comparison), so the fires of industry are beginning to drive back those hostile wilds. As ruler you can encourage or restrict it, the landscape itself may have morph channels. the dungeons themselves are vast and cavernous, unlike the claustrophobic spaces we've already seen.

The touch mechanic is very interesting. While emotes remain, they take a back seat to the ability to hug your wife, bounce your children in the air and take people by the hand. In one demo, Molyneux offered his hand to a beggar, who took it eagerly thinking he was being taken home for dinner. But when a workhouse loomed around a corner, he began struggling and pulling against the hero, begging not to be sold to "those fiends".

Co-op is proper this time, with your entire hero and your dog going into other people's games with their own camera. they can go off by themselves to some distant corner of Albion and really fuck shit up if they so wish. You can use touch to interact with other players, and even marry them. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/02/16/fa...ns-into-frien/

Other expressions morph with your character. Good characters can materialise giant wings on their backs and illuminate the world, revealing their true form and impressing villagers, intimidating foes. Evil characters get rather scarier wings. Wielding light swords will keep your character slim and sinuous, throwing an axe around will bulk up your character. The HUD and experience orbs are gone.

Also, weapons have morph channels, dependant on how you use them, and on your gamerscore (in some way, making that e-penis good for something). Save innocents with your sword and it might shine brightly, create the evil sword of the ages by slaughtering the innocent, it will drip with blood. Killing hobbes makes it grow spikier, hollow men make it grow blunter. Then your sword will be named after you and can be sold on-line.

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02-16-2010, 01:53 PM
RayOni's Avatar
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If you check the released information you'll see that it has grown far beyond Fable 2.

The industrial revolution is beginning, though earlier in Albion than in Britain (if the cultures are apt for comparison), so the fires of industry are beginning to drive back those hostile wilds. As ruler you can encourage or restrict it, the landscape itself may have morph channels. the dungeons themselves are vast and cavernous, unlike the claustrophobic spaces we've already seen.

The touch mechanic is very interesting. While emotes remain, they take a back seat to the ability to hug your wife, bounce your children in the air and take people by the hand. In one demo, Molyneux offered his hand to a beggar, who took it eagerly thinking he was being taken home for dinner. But when a workhouse loomed around a corner, he began struggling and pulling against the hero, begging not to be sold to "those fiends".

Co-op is proper this time, with your entire hero and your dog going into other people's games with their own camera. they can go off by themselves to some distant corner of Albion and really fuck shit up if they so wish. You can use touch to interact with other players, and even marry them. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/02/16/fa...ns-into-frien/

Other expressions morph with your character. Good characters can materialise giant wings on their backs and illuminate the world, revealing their true form and impressing villagers, intimidating foes. Evil characters get rather scarier wings. Wielding light swords will keep your character slim and sinuous, throwing an axe around will bulk up your character. The HUD and experience orbs are gone.

Also, weapons have morph channels, dependant on how you use them, and on your gamerscore (in some way, making that e-penis good for something). Save innocents with your sword and it might shine brightly, create the evil sword of the ages by slaughtering the innocent, it will drip with blood. Killing hobbes makes it grow spikier, hollow men make it grow blunter. Then your sword will be named after you and can be sold on-line.
Cool! cool!
I would play.

(in some way, making that e-penis good for something).
I have not understood.
There a penis of the protagonist will show!?

Last edited by RayOni; 02-16-2010 at 01:59 PM..
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02-16-2010, 02:37 PM
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Yes, absolutely. It's all about the realism and the pornography.

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02-16-2010, 02:46 PM
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I played fable 1 on xbox and then lost chapters on PC (the only game I've bought twice) but haven't played 2 yet.

The touch mechanic could work well, it works in Ico because of the language barrier and in fable you can't talk which is similar.

I don't think the morphing swords will quite work out though. It sounds like you're just going to get good/evil variations of spikey, blunt edged weapons, unless you set out not to kill any hobbes.

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02-16-2010, 02:51 PM
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I suspect there will be a threshold where the sword's morphing settles down.

I heard that the designers were simply bored of creating new weapons, so in that very modern way in games these days, have given the job to the player.
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02-16-2010, 10:05 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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If you check the released information you'll see that it has grown far beyond Fable 2.
If you check the pre-release information for Fable and Fable 2, you'll see that Peter Molyneux has been promising a lot and delivering a whole lot of nothing for years.

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02-16-2010, 10:18 PM
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So about the girlfriends, and touching, and selling your weapons and so on: this isn't multiplayer, is it? So has it just got extremely advanced NPCs or something?
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02-17-2010, 05:45 AM
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Impressive post there, BM, I'll give you that. But I have to agree with DI... the games never turn out as good as Molyneux makes them out to be. He promises things he can't achieve, and it's annoying when hopes are raised only to be dropped when the game turns out to be different than what he says. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy Fable 2. But if these new "touch" features in Fable 3 flop then things won't be good, because people have said the expressions and interactivity with NPCs was poor in Fable 2, and it'll take a lot to improve on that.

I'll wait till gameplay videos appear before I consider buying this. I don't want to fork out loads of money for Project Natal and it turns out to be crap. Unless, however, you can still use a controller, which I think I saw somewhere that you would be able to...
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02-17-2010, 06:15 AM
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Most of the things I mentioned seem to be present in the videos and screenshots. I also don't think you would ever be made to use Natal. That would be market suicide.
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02-17-2010, 07:09 AM
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I have not understood.
There a penis of the protagonist will show!?
Hahaha. This needs to be requoted.
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02-17-2010, 07:24 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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Most of the things I mentioned seem to be present in the videos and screenshots.
Fucking prerendered bullshit. Fake. Lies. Crap.

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02-18-2010, 12:26 AM
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Really looking forward to this. Always loved the Fable games. And in answer to will I be cruel or kind, I think it's fair to say I'll be an evil bastard. It's all I ever am on these games.

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02-18-2010, 01:09 PM
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The Molyneux hate is really fucking old. Like, seriously.
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02-18-2010, 01:13 PM
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But I'm not bandwagoning here. I was following Fable since it was called Project Ego. Imagine how fucking bummed I was. Am. Continue to be.

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02-19-2010, 01:09 AM
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But I'm not bandwagoning here. I was following Fable since it was called Project Ego.
Well me too, but didn't buy it instantly, so I knew what I was actually buying after reading the reviews.

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05-14-2010, 08:55 AM
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I don't care if thats real or fake, I love it.
do you think i give a heck

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05-14-2010, 02:11 PM
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That is awesome! I can't wait for this to come out.
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05-14-2010, 03:37 PM
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I'll rent it or something. I had fun with the first two.
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05-14-2010, 03:55 PM
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Is Fable 3 going to be as special and revolutionary as the previous two parts? Cuz if that's the case I might actually skip it.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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05-14-2010, 05:32 PM
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Im gonna get my friends pregnant, I hope there is some sort of date rape drug you can give them. Their 360 would appear to revert to the dashboard, but I would be having my way with them.
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05-15-2010, 08:38 PM
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I will SO submit negative feedback to microsoft about you Mr.9 inches of wonder

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06-07-2010, 09:25 AM
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im gona pre-order the limited collectors edition it comes with a deck of cards,a fable 3 coin,a new outfit,new breed of dog,new region to explore,an exclusive quest which unlocks a legendary weapon and also the case is in a cover that's made to look like a book with the guild seal on it
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06-07-2010, 09:28 AM
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I'm losing my mind. The temptation to write "im gona touch my penis" is overwhelming.

My bowels hurt.

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