OOC: Right, thanks Splat. And you can call me Kaz, to avoid confusion, since Ark is my character.
Here's Ark's revived profile, it's still not exactly how I play Ark, but it's a lot better. Mostly I changed some minor parts of his background that fit with my version of his story, rather that of my brother's.
Name: Ark(izane) VLP #3129, employee #935 sold to Magog Cartel Company(M.C.C) 146 [Labor Force Ranch (LFR)](though is currently employed at M.C.C. 1029 [Rupture Farms])
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Worker (neutral/ null/ none/ acts and looks more male though)
Age: 17
Appearance: Ark has the normal build of a Mudokon, and wares a standard brown loincloth. Though his skin was a green blue and is currently stained purple, he has three tattooed black stripes on each arm with the addition of a tattooed 'mask' around his eyes. These tattoos glow whenever he feels a strong emotion, though he can cause them to glow on his own, generating a bright light from them. Additionally, he has five long red and black feathers growing on the top of his head, which he ties together with a weighted string in order to make it seem like he only has one long feather (the weight is stop them from arching higher than most 'working muds').
Personality: Ark is very driven and changes quickly from boredom to anger and back again (or any emotion, really). Tending to either over or under think any action, with very little middle ground, he gets in and out of situation rather quickly. Due to being one of the few 'permanent employees' at Labor Force Ranch, he did a lot of maintenance, making him able to trace the problem and replace the damaged part (though he does not have any true understanding of how it works, he can replace nor repair). He has rather high opinion of himself, thinking that he is most likely always right, very rarely admitting that he's wrong unless solid proof is shown (at which case he'll think it over for a bit and accept it). He likes kids, having spent most of his life training and tending to them, which has made him patient, even if he's livid while he waits.
Equipment: Ark carries with him two things at all time, a bag attached to his loin cloth and his spooce pistol. His pistol has long since ran out of any spooce (ammo), but he still thinks that it's good for a bluff. His bag is filled with small caterpillar type bugs, a small bundle of moolah, and two maps (one of Rupture Farms and the other of Labor Force Ranch).
History: Ark was hatched in labor force ranch and was raised to be sold at the age of ten. As he grew up, however, his body took on bluish tone (due to the combination of a more 'natural' diet and some exposure to the sun, and other minor occurrences). Due to this the Glukkon that had originally ordered Ark's batch was reluctant to own him thinking he may be 'defective', so Ark's owner replaced him with another Mudokon and decided to have Ark join his 'permanent' task force. He grew up teaching other Mudokons how to be top notch slaves, cleaning and repairing the 'ranch', and enjoyed a level a freedom that only he and about 8 others had (the other 'permanent employees, all of which are 'defective' in some way). When one of his two best friends and the only female Mudokon he remembered ever seeing, was killed because she had become fertile (not for incompetence of laziness), Ark started doubting the life he had. Sometime later after learning more about bay that the facility occupied he attempted a rather loud escape disrupting much of the Ranch. Over the next year he hid from Vorluks' (the owner of Labor Force Ranch) Sligs and his head of security. After giving Ark up for dead, Vorluk sent a transfer notice, saying his disappearance supposedly happened due the transfer vehicle being attacked. Meanwhile Ark had been taken up by a tribe of Mudokon that found him, because the shaman there had decided that Ark was going to be his successor. Thus, Ark unwilling went through the necessary training to become a shaman, getting his skin dyed purple and his tattoos in the process, before he was sent on a 'spirit journey' to renter the employment of Magog Cartel for a year. Confused but tired of arguing, Ark set off for the nearest reassignment center, two years after the noticed had been sent.
Now on to RP
The dull repeating thump of old machinery echoed through the cold halls in the lower levels of Rupture Farms. In the dimly lit corridors, stood a lone Mudokon, squinting at a map he held in his hand.
"There is no way that this is accurate," Ark grunted to himself. "That or I have no idea where I am."
Looking up he continued, "No, no there are the stairs. Though this map might just be horribly off scale, or made before the Plant was destroyed."
Ark had been down here awhile now, after the Mudokon that helped him (Hembar) went racing down a shaft, closely followed by two robots. Upon racing down to the level he now occupied, he quickly discovered that his map was once again insignificant to successfully navigate him to his destination. So he instead wondered around the level, occasionally seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, he even thought he had seen a snoozer not too long ago. Thus Ark found himself dejected and semi-lost.
Sighing, Ark folded up the map, and had just placed it back into his squirming pouch, when a series of small explosions caused him to launch himself at the ground. Rolling back up to his feet, facing the direction that the sound had come from, he inspected the hall. Seeing nothing, he started to relax a bit, before remembering why he was looking around down here to begin with; if whatever had caused those explosion had been chasing the female Mudokon that helped him, she could be in desperate need of help. Alternately, if it had been caused by some damaged equipment, the situation might be just as bad, particularly this close to the basements.
Throwing caution to the winds, Ark ran into the room where it sounded like the explosions originated from, sliding to a halt past the large entrance frame. Gazing around the large room, it looked undamaged; well, undamaged for a factory that had been destroyed, rebuilt, and accumulated several years of neglect. None of the low hanging equipment had fallen, there was no noticeable amount of smoke, no sparks or gaping hole. Ark carefully proceeded into the room, inspecting the room to the best of his abilities, while never slowing down his stride. The machinery keep obstructing his view, and he didn't want to be ambushed by a possible bomber.
Reaching the far end of the room and finding nothing, Ark started to turn back to the entrance, when something caught his eye. A door a little off to his right had a very broken control panel. Normally, he would take a broken panel as just part of the normal damage done to the facility over the years, but with the explosions he just heard, Ark decided to take a closer look. Walking up to it, he saw several small scorch marks dotting the floor and walls around the door.
"Well now I know where the explosions went off, but still not why or from whom," Ark muttered to himself, "If I had to take a guess, though, I would say that this door leads to the leveled and collapsing part of the factory."
Ark stood staring at the door, dawning a look of slight puzzlement.
"That might not be good," Ark said, continuing to think out loud, "I should probably tell someone... except I don't know where anyone is..."
Well, he did know where a stair case was, if he went to the top floor and looked for the biggest, fanciest door, chances were that it would be to Arnie's office. Pivoting Ark ran out of the room and to the stairs, where he preceded to walk up the stairs (running up stair is tiring). Upon reaching the first floor, Ark saw a Slig (Nick)walk by, out in hall, that clearly looked like he knew where he was going. Changing his original plan, Ark decided to follow the Slig, since if nothing else Ark could tell him about the door.
Ark followed the Slig up to a room that had several other in it, including the robot (RG) that chased the Mudokon that helped him, and #7 slig. 'Perfect, I can tell Seven without having to worry about Arnie, incase he's still in that mood that #7 warned me about, and I might be able to find out what happened to that Mudokon,' Ark thought as he approached the room. The Slig that he had followed had already began conversing with #7 slig.
Deciding that telling someone sooner rather than later was probably best, Ark walked into the room, not really noticing every one who was in the room. Clearing his throat he informed the group at large, "Um, Sirs, there might be a problem down at one of the doors that leads to the abandoned part of the factory."
OOC: Sorry for the short post.