Hi! I'm the #1 spammer of this site. Well, #1 spammer who hasn't been banned...permanently...
Welcome to Oddworld Forums! A site that is more than an Oddworld fansite. It's a community! Now being a spammer I've learned how to get in trouble, and therefore might be able to keep you out:
1. Always listen to the rules. Nate, Max and Xaivier have no mercy.
2. Make sure your posts are worthwhile and worthy. 1 word posts are DEATH!!!
3. Have a sense of Humor, but remember to be serious at times. On second thought, no one has ever done that so it doesn't really count as a rule...
4. Sure, stand up for yourself, but NEVER, when you're angry at someone just caps all the letters and swear. That's what I call the 'Insta-ban'.
Welcome to Hell, enjoy your stay. We have evil lords, demonic maniacs, and gays. To be serious, it's mainly gays.
[insert boundless wit here]