Two homeless men are walking along a field. They see an enormous house, that looks like it was very expensive. One man said "I wish we could afford a house. I'm very hungry, and very cold, I would very much like to eat in such a place."
The other man said "Hang on. I have an idea."
He picks up a reasonably large piece of horse manure, they both walk up to the door of the house, and they knock. A middle-aged, rather wealthy looking woman answers.
"What's the matter?" She asks.
"Well, we're very cold. Look at our clothes - they aren't at all warm. And look - all we have to eat is this horse manure, and even that's cold. Is there any chance you could help us?"
"Of course," the woman says. "Go round the back, and I'll warm it up for you."
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.