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08-21-2009, 02:46 AM
Kingdok's Avatar
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Exclamation Saving 102 Mudokons in AO...

I couldn't find anything similar to this posted on the forum, so I just had to share it. I guess this could be called a glitch? This is from the playstation version of AO, and I have no idea how it happened. I remember that my goal for that particular playthrough was to save all 99 Mudokons. Boy was I in for a surprise. I had to take a photo of my TV screen, hence the crappy quality. I like how the employee count is below zero.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	1.JPG
Views:	426
Size:	251.7 
ID:	10666   Click image for larger version

Name:	2.JPG
Views:	804
Size:	307.5 
ID:	10667  
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08-21-2009, 07:24 PM
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I couldn't find anything similar to this posted on the forum
You can't have looked very hard.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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08-21-2009, 09:39 PM
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You guys all know about the glich with the teleport yeah?
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08-24-2009, 12:30 AM
Kingdok's Avatar
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You can't have looked very hard.
Oh, my bad! I thought I was on to something.
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09-11-2009, 11:28 AM
PalezQkkeli's Avatar
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Wired Slog glitch in Abe's Oddysee

So I was playing AO and after stockyards before Monsaic lines, I got a glitch with a slog. The Slog started to run but it stuck right away. No sound, no movement, nothing. Just a picture and you could even walk through him

Picture of glitch:
"OWI makes us all feel normal in the terms of ODD.."

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09-27-2009, 06:53 AM
fastability's Avatar
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Fun mudokon glitch & another weird platform glitch

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - Mudokons Does Not React To Run Up The Wall Glitches
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OAO - platform weird glitch pic.gif
Views:	407
Size:	33.9 
ID:	10784  

Last edited by fastability; 10-02-2009 at 10:38 AM..
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10-20-2009, 11:23 PM
marlz's Avatar
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I found a few new glitches!

1. At the very end of RuptureFarms 1, if you throw a grenade so that it lands just next to the escape hole (which you roll through to get to the Stockyards) and roll through the hole as soon as the grenade explodes, you will instantly die when the cutscene is over. You will then reload back in RuptureFarms at the last reload point.

2. Use level select to get to the Board Room. Free the 99th Mudokon to to get the Blue Soul Ring. Pull the ring to go to the final screen of the game, but do not use the Blue Soul Ring yet. Pull the lever first, then chant to turn into the Shrykull. The final cutscene will still be triggered, but skip through it. When the continue screen comes up (the screen which comes up if you didn't save more than 50 Mudokons) sounds from the cutscene (bad ending) and Shrykull noises will play in continuous loops and you will be unable to do anything. The game will have frozen. (I'm not sure whether this is just my copy or whether it was just a fluke).

3. If you set off the first motion detector in the Stockyards, then run back to the previous screen (first screen in the Stockyards), the moving bomb triggered by the motion detector will come into the screen, hover for a bit and then exit through the top of the screen. What is weird is the fact that about 10-12 seconds later another moving bomb will enter the screen. This glitch causes the motion detector to be stuck in a continuous loop, with moving bombs appearing every so often without being triggered.

4. Enter the first secret area in the Stockyards (through the door). Tell one Mudokon to follow you, run to the next screen to attract the Scrab's attention, then run back and jump through the portal (without telling the Mudokon to wait or saving it). Each of the Scrabs in the Stockyard will (for some reason) be able to see/hear the Mudokon running about in the secret area and will be distracted by it, so they will stay in one place and you can walk past them without them threatening you in any way. It doesn't always work, though.

Very precise glitches, I'll say that much.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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10-24-2009, 02:58 PM
PalezQkkeli's Avatar
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4. Enter the first secret area in the Stockyards (through the door). Tell one Mudokon to follow you, run to the next screen to attract the Scrab's attention, then run back and jump through the portal (without telling the Mudokon to wait or saving it). Each of the Scrabs in the Stockyard will (for some reason) be able to see/hear the Mudokon running about in the secret area and will be distracted by it, so they will stay in one place and you can walk past them without them threatening you in any way. It doesn't always work, though.

Very precise glitches, I'll say that much.
Indeedn they are precise. I've only found that fourth one myself
"OWI makes us all feel normal in the terms of ODD.."

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10-31-2009, 05:43 PM
marlz's Avatar
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I was playing Abe's Exoddus the other day and was progressing through Terminal 5 of FeeCo Depot. I had reached the last section of it, cleared away all of the mines and had lead the blind Mudokons to the lift near the Soulstorm Brew dispenser. When I told one of the blind Mudokons to follow me onto the lift, the screen became a mass of random blue and green pixelated squares and explosion-like shapes. All sounds were heavily delayed, you could not distinguish where you were (or where anything else was for that matter) and even the pause menu was laggy. Ten minutes after this occurred, I heard Abe fall and land (to his death), but it wasn't until another 2 minutes later that the death sound played. I was so busy trying to undo the glitch that I had accidently made Abe walk off the ledge. When this happened, a random blue triangle appeared in the middle of the now heavily glitched-up screen. And somehow, during this strange glitchy hour-and-a-half, I had managed to QuikSave just and I died.

All I can say is that if it had happened again, I could have made a really good Missingno. fan art with it to put on DeviantArt.

Yeah, that's about it.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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11-01-2009, 08:22 AM
Tristan's Avatar
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skillya_glowi; please do us all a favour and only post images in .jpg format in the future. BMPs take waaaaay too long to download.
Or PNG. PNG has the same quality of BMP. But same size of a JPG. Found this out messing around with paint. I love PNG.
Check out my Oddworld videos on youtube!!! www.youtube.com/user/gentristan I make animations record Oddworld, and I'm all out of ideas for animations. If anybody has any ideas for OW animations pm me. thanx

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11-01-2009, 10:39 AM
luke3212's Avatar
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I've had that one several times before
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11-01-2009, 03:37 PM
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Or PNG. PNG has the same quality of BMP. But same size of a JPG. Found this out messing around with paint. I love PNG.
Uhh... thanks for the contribution, but next time you might want to check that you're not replying to a post from 2006.
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11-13-2009, 08:09 AM
Tristan's Avatar
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I didn't notice that. Lol. Haven't been here for so long. And luke, I thought you quit OWF a long time ago. :P

Going on topic: I once edited one of the level files in notepad2 then when I started the game, I instantly got mulched. I laughed my ass off!
Check out my Oddworld videos on youtube!!! www.youtube.com/user/gentristan I make animations record Oddworld, and I'm all out of ideas for animations. If anybody has any ideas for OW animations pm me. thanx

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11-23-2009, 01:33 AM
marlz's Avatar
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Has anyone seen some of th glitch videos that LoStraniero91 has done?
They are awesome! I particularly like the Elum Chaos ones.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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11-23-2009, 03:30 AM
MyParaMite Pie's Avatar
MyParaMite Pie
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one thing i do hate you can loose elum in paramonia and cant finish it without him so you finish the part until guess what you must use your earlier save very very annouying
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11-23-2009, 06:17 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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It's not a glitch, though. You just stuffed up.

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11-23-2009, 07:55 PM
marlz's Avatar
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No. Elum, unlike Abe, has a limited number of lives so after he dies a certain number of times, he won't regenerate. I had this happen to me in Scrabania in the first section with the many moving bombs. I'm not totally sure if he couldn't regenerate (because he had died too many times) or whether he regenerated somewhere else.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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11-23-2009, 08:33 PM
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No. Elum, unlike Abe, has a limited number of lives so after he dies a certain number of times, he won't regenerate.
This is not correct.
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11-24-2009, 11:22 PM
marlz's Avatar
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How? It happened to me numerous times during my early years of Oddworld (when I played it at the age of 9 and died in nearly every new screen and needed my mum's help to finish the game).
Although it could just be that, as I said before, Elum is just reloading in a different spot to Abe. That could be it, but I distinctly remember Elum not regenerating in any screen after he had died a certain number of times (like Abe does in the PS1 demo of AO).

Another glitch to share! I'm not sure if this one has been mentioned before, though.
When you throw a rock/grenade/bones, the trajectory of the object can change slightly when you throw it in a certain direction. In other words, the object you are throwing misses what you threw it at even if it would normally hit it. For example, I was going through RuptureFarms 1 and threw the grenade and the last 3 land mines blocking the exit and the grenade just bounced in between the land mines and missed all of them! I would show footage but I can't pull it off consistantly. A better example is in Paramonia, when you throw a rock at the land mine on the other side of the first big jump. Yeah... I missed it 6 times!
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

Last edited by marlz; 11-24-2009 at 11:32 PM..
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11-26-2009, 04:08 AM
MyParaMite Pie's Avatar
MyParaMite Pie
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Elum spawns at the last save you had him at it won't matter he should always spawn next to you if you had him unless your game has glitched very badly, also demos aren't finished copies of a game they're just releasing it so people can get an early feel of the game so they have developed skills in the game, another thing when you said you threw a grenade and it landed in the middle of the mines well it wouldn't matter it's a mine it will blow up once the timer goes off.

"UHHH Dude Theres 300 In Abe's Exoddus And 99 In Abe's Oddysee"

*Vein Pops* "You're Not Being Serious" In A Twitching Manner

"Dont Look At Me Like That OMG NO!!"

Last edited by MyParaMite Pie; 11-26-2009 at 04:14 AM..
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11-26-2009, 03:49 PM
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe.

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11-26-2009, 04:32 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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Aaaaaand yes, I've had Elum respawn in a different place to me. It worked like this:


After gaining Elum for the first time, jump across the huge gap you need him for, and walk through the hill to arrive at the Mudokon that whistles a tune you need to copy to lower a platform.

Go back through the hill. Jump across the gap. Hop off Elum and run up to the first screen of Paramonia to save your point there.

Then, tap the mine, the one that explodes after you tap it.



You'll respawn at the first Paramonia screen, and Elum will appear on the other side of the gap. The one you can't jump across without Elum.

I haven't tested this to make sure it works every time, though.
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11-27-2009, 02:37 AM
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Aha! My housemate discovered an unwinnable situation in the early screens of Paramonia, but we couldn't later remember what it was. It could have been something along those lines.

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11-28-2009, 08:19 AM
OddYouko's Avatar
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Urgh, I've had that happen before.
I had to restart because of stupid Elum.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

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12-07-2009, 11:04 PM
marlz's Avatar
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"MyParaMite Pie said:
another thing when you said you threw a grenade and it landed in the middle of the mines well it wouldn't matter it's a mine it will blow up once the timer goes off."

やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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12-07-2009, 11:49 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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He means that the mines don't explode as soon as they're hit with the grenade. It just sits there spinning behind them until it explodes.

I've noticed that in AO, on the screen above the one that leads to the Stockyards (with the sleeping Slig) there's some mines. I throw a grenade in there, and after it explodes along with a mine, there's another grenade there.

And it keeps on going 'til all the mines are gone.
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12-13-2009, 01:59 PM
marlz's Avatar
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The land mines DO explode when hit with a grenade. And the reason there is another grenade there is because it is the same grenade. The grenades don't explode until after 6 beeps. It's always been like that.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

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12-14-2009, 01:27 PM
Grieva's Avatar
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this ones probably been found
In block 3 of the slig barracks, if you jump from 2 steps away from the edge of the upper left platform on the 3rd screen up, you'll land in the well at the bottom, shoot up 4 screens then land back in the same well and get shot up again, and that will just keep going

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12-14-2009, 02:02 PM
Hand_Of_Odd's Avatar
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I noticed in AE if you use inviciblity cheat sometimes when slogs bite you you hear a buzzing sorta noise.
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12-14-2009, 02:30 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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Maybe the game is trying to figure out why you would want to be invisible next to a blind dog...
[insert boundless wit here]

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