I'm a vegetarian, actually.
Anyway, killing a baboon for absolutely no reason is just plain sick (I have no idea if I've posted on this thread before). Oh, he had a reason, but it wasn't a good one so I don't count it.
And the way animals are treated is so horrible. I don't know if you've ever seen battery chickens...
I'm not a vegetarian who hates people who eat meat; I don't care what people eat. I just think it's horrible how (some) people treat animals.
People who hunt for fun, or, more properly, because it gives them a feeling of power and superiority, I just can't understand. Now people hunting for food - I'm all for that, provided they don't do anything like picking rabbits up by their hind legs and bashing them against walls. That's the way animals should be caught, not locked in tiny cages all their miserable lives, sitting in their own dung.
I won't even go into pigs...
Last edited by enchilado; 12-08-2009 at 01:50 PM..
: Don't eat it, then.