What more reason could anyone have to want an XBOX than MO and Abe.
You want more reasons, here they are: Panzer dragoon X, only on the BOX, Dragadon I know you love dragons, well Panzer dragoon is a god send to all,especially a dragon lover, I've playtested it already and feel it to be very next-gen in all facets,graphics,A.I.,music,sound,gameplay,and that was an early version and only 10 minute demo.
There's the matrix based on the second up-coming film from game producers Shiny that will be a major hit, Heavens beast, 24 automatons,Enclave,Kleaners,Orchid,Project Ego,Xavier Fox,all exclusives,and believe me the best games I have ever seen or playtested in all around brilliance, and then there are the directors cuts of games such as Silent Hill 2,Devil may cry, and Metal gear X, and Malice.and many more but you get the piture I quess. Face it the system is putting up the goods, no way anyone can still deny this with any good faith.
I'm not knocking the PS2, I love it as well, I have plans to play quite a few beauties on it as well,I'm just saying go get an XBOX already everyone, and if you cannot please don't knock it for those reasons.
If you don't want an XBOX that's fine,you have your reasons everyone,I can imagine what they are without having to say,but that still does not belittle what the good old BOX will be coming up with in the very near future. While those who wonder and wait for what ever reasons,and are doing there contemplating I will be hopping with munch and sneaking with Abe and firing with Halo this November 8th just 2 months to go, finally.