From yours truly, some fan art. Once i get a scanner i will show my pen and paper skills which will outshine this easy. Until then enjoy these I was bored and decided to draw some odd things... The first is a love hate undertone that the sligs and gluckons have in the heirachy of life in oddworld. The second is ABE! But wait, not just any Abe... Its what abe would look like if he wore a sligs head gear..visor like.. armor.. helmet thing. And he even stole the gun of the freshly unmasked and decapitated and shot slig! And as you can tell the gluckon is in need of a diaper change witnessing Abe's awesomeness. Hope you like them! If not then leave your spam for me to read and laugh at.
Love and Hatred in Rupture Farms!
Slig Armor and Gun Abe