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08-18-2009, 12:12 AM
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Least favourite TV programmes

So just out of curiosity, does anyone here know of any TV shows that they would rather avoid? Feel free to express your opinions on them here.

For instance, I do not particularly like Torchwood because I think it tries to be mature without really knowing what being mature means, throwing in gore, sex and swearing whenever it can yet feeling like Scooby Doo only with those elements tacked on. It is like a 12 year old that thinks he has matured just because he has watching South Park for the first time and only plays Halo 3.
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08-18-2009, 12:21 AM
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I avoid those mind-numbing reality television shows like the plague (my finger points at Big Brother, which ruined my image of George Orwell's 1984). I also hate things like Britain's Got Talent and things like The Apprentice (what the hell is wrong with the people on that? I've seen parts of it, and from what I can gather, they're just trying to get soms shitty position in advertising. Who would want that? And they're all obnoxious shits.).
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-18-2009, 01:14 AM
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I absolutely hate big brother and of course America's next top model.

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08-18-2009, 02:02 AM
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Basically all reality and competition programmes like Britain's Got Talent, X Factor, Big Brother, American Idol etc. Everyone gets so obsessive over them, and then some 16 year old ends up winning instead of an older person who deserves the chance more.
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08-18-2009, 03:06 AM
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Soap Operas.

They all suck arsehole

Last edited by Laser; 08-18-2009 at 03:09 AM..
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08-18-2009, 03:13 AM
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All Soaps and Big Brother.
I watched it once. My retinas never fully recoverd.
do you think i give a heck

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08-18-2009, 04:37 AM
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Soaps, reality TV, and shows which try to 'fix' people's appearance. (So not How to Look Good Naked. I don't like the show, but I don't think it's too bad because gives people confidence rather than just pulling their face apart.)

EDIT: And generic sitcoms, and comedy sketch shows by incompetent comedians. I'm looking at you, Horne and Corden.

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08-18-2009, 04:48 AM
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I can't stand any "reality" shows, and soaps these days are crap. Perplexingly, the Australian imports remain watchable due to the glorious balance of cheese.

For instance, I do not particularly like Torchwood because I think it tries to be mature without really knowing what being mature means, throwing in gore, sex and swearing whenever it can yet feeling like Scooby Doo only with those elements tacked on.
That only really applies to the first series. The recent miniseries didn't have any of that at all, and was quite intense. It also painted the Moral Event Horizon receding rapidly into the distance.
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08-18-2009, 06:09 AM
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Most soaps and reality shows, most stuff with Tim and Eric, and sports.

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08-18-2009, 06:44 AM
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Who's Tim and Eric? Has the US cloned Ant and Dec for horrible reasons?
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08-18-2009, 07:23 AM
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For years, I thougt that Ant was Dec and Dec was Ant.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-18-2009, 07:44 AM
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I really don't get why there is so much confusion. They look completely different, and refer to each other by their actual names. Even a casually observant person should be able to tell them apart, and I'm far less than casual.
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08-18-2009, 07:52 AM
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It wasn't so much that I'm not observant, more that I never watched them. Whenever I flicked around, if I saw them, I just named them whatever sounded most appropriate. As it happens, I thought that Dec looked more like an Anthony. The confusion ended when my nephew wanted to watch them on Saturday Takeaway.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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08-18-2009, 08:28 AM
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I avoid watching Television in general, but ESPECIALLY those Reality shows like "Jon and Kate" or fucking "Toddlers and Tiaras"
I see you jockin' me.

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08-18-2009, 09:18 AM
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Oh god, "Toddlers and Tiaras" was what tore it for me. For years I was thinking "Maybe American television does have a slim chance at redemption". I turn on the TV and watch 20+ minutes of T&T and I felt ill, literally fucking ill.
I mean, it's hard enough to deal with self-absorbed beauty queen slags as teenagers... but to find out they're breeding them so young prompted me to take an aluminum bat to my television.

I too try to avoid watching too much TV, and its surprisingly easy since there's nothing good on anymore. Since I lost my Comcast service, I realized I only actually watched the tube for commercial free movies and not for any actual shows. \

As for a list of shows I actively engage in disliking (and why):

Family Guy - I think every person that started watching Family Guy before 2003 now hates it because of it's lazy attempts to "push the envelope" by turning it's once dynamic and funny characters into sleazy, unfunny parodies of themselves.

South Park - Although South Park was never actually funny, despite the occasional witty attempt at self-mockery, I find it's preachy approach to trying to take on topical issues as opposed to just trying to make you laugh downright annoying.

The Drinky Crow Show - A deadly combination of sloppy writing and eye-blisteringly ugly CG animation. If you want to make a show with characters drawn in Lithograph, do what Fritz The Cat did and stop complaining that it's "too hard to animate"

Tosh 2.0 or whatever it's called - So basically some ugly, obnoxious prick looks on Youtube for an hour a day and presents his findings to a simulated studio audience. At least America's Funniest Videos required actual submissions and viewer involvement.

I have more, but before I submit them for your flaming pleasure I wanna get some feedback on these first.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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08-18-2009, 09:46 AM
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reality shows (Simon Cowell can fuck off), that annoying Hotel Inspector, ANYTHING with Trinny and Susannah in, Wife Swap and Holiday Showdown.

but my bane...oh my bane, has to be Big bloody Brother. fucking incompetent incredibly stupid Dole-dossers trying to get famous so they can receive hand outs seeing as thats all their shallow minds can comprehend. why not try working for a living?
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08-18-2009, 10:01 AM
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I hear that Jack Dee was once on it for comic relief, and escaped the house. No fucking wonder, poor fellow.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

Last edited by OddjobAbe; 08-18-2009 at 10:03 AM..
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08-18-2009, 10:03 AM
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Family Guy - I think every person that started watching Family Guy before 2003 now hates it because of it's lazy attempts to "push the envelope" by turning it's once dynamic and funny characters into sleazy, unfunny parodies of themselves.

South Park - Although South Park was never actually funny, despite the occasional witty attempt at self-mockery, I find it's preachy approach to trying to take on topical issues as opposed to just trying to make you laugh downright annoying.

I never used to find the old south parks funny, now i perfer them to Family guy, South park seems to be getting better and better with every new series.
Family guy is just getting worse and worse.
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08-18-2009, 10:34 AM
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Southpark is alright.

Need I say Mind of Mencia?

Honestly, most television. I do like watching reality t.v. though. I am, however, a masochist.
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08-18-2009, 10:38 AM
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I only watch programs I´m pretty sure I´ll like

But I did watch Eastenders pretty sporadically for almost a decade, so I´m going with that.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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08-18-2009, 11:10 AM
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Eh, South Park has its moments every now and then these days. I think it was at its best before the eighth season or something.

And Drinky Crow is the shit. I dunno what you're talking about, Kaizer.

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08-18-2009, 12:12 PM
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IThat only really applies to the first series. The recent miniseries didn't have any of that at all, and was quite intense. It also painted the Moral Event Horizon receding rapidly into the distance.
And as always, Russel T. Davies happened to fuck up the ending. "Want to see the full creature in all its glory, doing some serious damage? Too bad! Singing seizure child blows him up and dies in the process! Also Jack pisses off into space six months after the events for no reason. Now to collect my money!"

Seriously, the only half decent episodes to come out of Torchwood, and RTD decided to make a half-hearted ending because he was lazy. He comes up with these good ideas, yet makes a pig's ear out of the endings.
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08-18-2009, 01:06 PM
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Southpark is alright.

Need I say Mind of Mencia?
I don't mind South Park. I'm indifferent, at this point.

But mind of Mencia? Ic cannot overstate what a douche I think he is. He steals jokes and makes them unfunny, fuck.
Family Guy - I think every person that started watching Family Guy before 2003 now hates it because of it's lazy attempts to "push the envelope" by turning it's once dynamic and funny characters into sleazy, unfunny parodies of themselves.

Tosh 2.0 or whatever it's called - So basically some ugly, obnoxious prick looks on Youtube for an hour a day and presents his findings to a simulated studio audience. At least America's Funniest Videos required actual submissions and viewer involvement.

I have more, but before I submit them for your flaming pleasure I wanna get some feedback on these first.
I didn't really hate Family Guy until The Conway Twitty parts. It just showed how lazy Macfarlane really is.

Tosh.0 (I think) is probably the worst thing that The Comedy Network is airing right now. Even worse than V.I.P.

I wouldn't mind it so much, but they spend so much time with him talking and pretending to be funny that it's unwatchable. Normally I could get behind a show that lampoons Viral Video but it just does such a bad job, and the writing fucking sucks. They really hyped it up, too.

On the other hand, The Jon Dore Televison Show and Hotbox are fucking excellent.

Hotbox is Tim and Eric with many of the same traits, but lacking a lot of the negative ones. It's Canadian, too, and you know we make some funny stuff. I can't really explain it, but it's good.
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08-18-2009, 02:03 PM
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So, like, without all the really gross shit and acting-like-douchebagsness? I shall search for it. I sort of liked Tom Goes to the Mayor.

And yeah, Family Guy has gone to shit.

Last edited by used:); 08-18-2009 at 02:05 PM..
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08-18-2009, 02:32 PM
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I quite liked Important Things With Dimitri Martin.
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08-18-2009, 02:40 PM
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Me too. Demetri Martin is one of my favorite comedians right now.

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08-18-2009, 03:40 PM
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I hated what little I saw of Demetri Martin's show, but I didn't really watch enough of it to make a fair judgement and I don't plan to.

Drinky Crow sucks purely because the jokes are predictable and lazy.
"Okay, guys! Ideas for Drinky Crow! Um... he gets drunk and gets into crazy shenanigans! BRILLIANT!"
And I personally believe an actors delivery of certain lines is very important too. In Drinky Crow, there is no spirit behind the VO work and it falls just short of "suck". How many lines in ATHF would have just been irritating if Dana Snyder wasn't kick-ass?

Mind of Mencia is definitely high on the list of suck. Mencia has no mind, so to title the show "Mind of Mencia" should be a dead giveaway of what you're in for.

There was a period in my life where I just stopped watching telly for like two months. I flipped it on one day right as Adult Swim was starting and watched their most recent line-up. I can say with fervor that almost everything I watched that night left a taste of stale ass in my mouth for days afterwards. Mighty Boosh, Fat Guy Stuck in Internet, Drinky Crow, Xavier Renegade Angel, and new episodes of Family Guy were what welcomed me with a big fat "Thats what you get for thinking television would get any better!"
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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08-18-2009, 03:49 PM
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08-18-2009, 04:42 PM
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Basically all reality and competition programmes like Britain's Got Talent, X Factor, Big Brother, American Idol etc. Everyone gets so obsessive over them, and then some 16 year old ends up winning instead of an older person who deserves the chance more.
This + anything that is aired on the retarded Dutch TV station SBS 6. I swear to god the programs they come up with at that place are just so fucking retarded it's not even funny anymore.
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08-18-2009, 05:12 PM
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Anyone else here who used to go/does go to a school where Big Brother was the talk of the fucking town all the time?

I mean seriously; at one point i was in the minority in my french class because i didn't spend the morning watching the housemates sleep.
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