Hi Yemmling,and Oddsville. I have been involved with co-producing or investing in the game industry as well as character and FX work for many movies for years now.
My Studio is in two parts,one in Newport beach California and the other in Brugge Belgium. Newport beach is primarily my set and character along with props studio.The one in Brugge is my full on animation and FX studio.There will be about 18-20 people working on my picture as of this Fall.I've thought very big with great detail and little by little it is coming around.I do it for the love,not the promise of big money,although I'll take the money as well,I'm no fool.
I have been in pre-production for 15 months now on a major full-length all CG movie.Most of the sets and characters/creatures and props are set.Full animation, edit work, and sound/music,along with voice acting and speacial effects get going this November.The movie is set for a early Spring 2003 release, about 19 more months.When you see the movie the second time it will be of a different look and feel than the first time,it is a two version movie, will explain in detail on this at a later date.For a Cg movie it is at about 2 hours 10 minutes long,which is extremely long for CG.It's a sci-fi-classic fantasy hybrid,of an epic non-stop thrill ride quest.
To give you an example it has sets already done(with I might add tons of blood and sweat)that make sets in the Phantom menace and Mummy 2 look like minatures.I'm talking 50-100 million poly scenes, not counting my blue sceen set ups for backdrops.
Well I could go on and on,but I'll spare some of you.When it's a more appropiate time I will show this community a few sample shots and first hand looks of sets/characters and so on.I have many offers already of many publisher's, but am still holding out,until maybe spring 2002 to sign a deal.
And yes if I worked for anyone it would be for either PDI,Pixar,or of course OI. But I have always been my own boss and like it that way,you get to do what you want when you want. See ya....