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04-13-2009, 06:55 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
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Just completed Dragonball Evolution on the PSP. It's not as bad as I thought it might be, but it's still cringe-worthy. Just bought myself a Red Mage pal on FFCC:EOT on the DS for 5000 gil. It wasn't really worth it, but at least he looks pretty nice with his red hat.

I stream games and art now!

04-13-2009, 07:12 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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Just finished both Dark Sector and Alone in the Dark. Dark Sector was entertaining, with the glaive and shtuffs. Alone in the Dark was actually fun, combining items to create molotov cocktails, sticky-bombs and the like. It had kind of a fun story too. Though the endin gwas a bit... Meh.
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

04-13-2009, 07:20 AM
OANST's Avatar
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I finished Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts last night. I got every crate, note, power up, Jinjo, jiggy, and trophy. It took 66 hours.

My bowels hurt.

04-13-2009, 09:50 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
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I finished Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin today. I spent roughly two hours killing the same two minotaurs to grind my way up to level 57, roughly 30 levels. I killed Dracula and Death in one try and Brauner was a pushover BITCH.

I'm going to go for 100% completion on it.
I see you jockin' me.

04-13-2009, 11:43 AM
Anonyman!'s Avatar
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Edit: Missed an entire page. Damn.

Jade Empire. Yummy.

Last edited by Anonyman!; 04-13-2009 at 11:45 AM..
04-13-2009, 12:34 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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Picked up Simcity 4 again. Felt like building stuff.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

04-14-2009, 04:49 AM
Ajiellyn's Avatar
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Finished Half-Life 2 (what an ending ), now replaying it with a bunch of friends using this multiplayer coop mod called Synergy. Also started Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (what a beginning 0_0)

04-14-2009, 05:28 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
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Was playing Crackdown before. Damn, I love those souped-up SUVs on that game.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

04-14-2009, 07:18 AM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
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I just finished the original Spyro. Oh, what fun I had, and not only now, but in the previous years I spent playing it.

Not much time for games now, but I'm considering playing through Abe's Oddysee again.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

04-14-2009, 07:38 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
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Beat the Death Pit or whatever the hell the super challenging part of PoR was. Last boss was a huge pushover.

Moving on to Chrono Trigger or Disgaea DS if I can find a copy of it.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 04-14-2009 at 07:40 AM..
04-14-2009, 08:00 AM
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drag0nbane442  (162)drag0nbane442  (162)

I mostly play WoW, Oddworld, Call of Duty, and different MMORPGs like Age of Conan. Sometimes, though, I get bored and play other games, including online flash games.
04-14-2009, 09:11 AM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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We're [meaning me, my girlfriend and my parents] have been playing Scene It: BOS. It's probably a miserable single player game, but if you factor in alcohol and three other players, it's entertaining.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

04-14-2009, 09:45 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
Wolvark Shooter
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Buzz Quiz is ok, but a bit tedious.

I stream games and art now!

04-14-2009, 09:45 AM
Crashpunk's Avatar
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I really want to get Half Life 2 as i have no idea what the storyline is. The game looks amazing
i'm been playing Mario kart Wii

Twitter | Discord: Crashpunk#0025

04-14-2009, 08:35 PM
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DI: Agreed.

Have I mentioned here that I finally got around to playing Bioshock. It's going to take me a while, because I only play in hour-long doses; for one thing the anti-motion sickness medication wears off and also my attention span for pointing and shooting tends to run out after that time.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

04-15-2009, 08:43 AM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Disgruntled Intern
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Oh, Nate. You're really in for a treat.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

04-15-2009, 01:37 PM
AlexFili's Avatar
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Some of my favorite games in the past month or so have been on the original Xbox. It's hard to believe that a previous-gen console can have such incredible graphics. My favorites so far;

Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - Pretty much the most unique platform engine ever made. I could definately imagine a sequel as a GTA style roaming game.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - Very interesting first-person shooter... best use of third-person perspective ever in a videogame I think. I love the all-fours running animation too. Brilliant plot, great characters!

Chronicles of Riddick - Such an awesome atmospheric game. Really good character dialogue and a great plot, with some good twists at the end.

Halo 2 - A well balanced shooting game that looks very fun. I can't wait to play more of this.

I stream games and art now!

04-15-2009, 01:44 PM
OANST's Avatar
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Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - Pretty much the most unique platform engine ever made. I could definately imagine a sequel as a GTA style roaming game.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - Very interesting first-person shooter... best use of third-person perspective ever in a videogame I think. I love the all-fours running animation too. Brilliant plot, great characters!

What are these? Could you describe them more? I've never heard of them. Bill, have you?

My bowels hurt.

04-15-2009, 01:48 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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Some of my favorite games in the past month or so have been on the original Xbox. It's hard to believe that a previous-gen console can have such incredible graphics. My favorites so far;

Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - Pretty much the most unique platform engine ever made. I could definately imagine a sequel as a GTA style roaming game.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - Very interesting first-person shooter... best use of third-person perspective ever in a videogame I think. I love the all-fours running animation too. Brilliant plot, great characters!
You don't play many computer games, do you?
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

04-15-2009, 02:03 PM
AlexFili's Avatar
Wolvark Shooter
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PC games? No.
Console games? Very much so.

I play at least 2-3 games a day. Mainly DS and PSP at the mo.
I dont have a 360 or PS3 I'm not a graphics hog

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 04-21-2009 at 08:05 AM..
04-15-2009, 02:09 PM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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Abe's Oddysee and ArmA, and a touch of Midnight Club LA.

04-15-2009, 07:43 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
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Computer games? No.
Console games? Very much so.

I play at least 2-3 games a day. Mainly DS and PSP at the mo.
Psht, casual.

Some of my favorite games in the past month or so have been on the original Xbox. It's hard to believe that a previous-gen console can have such incredible graphics. My favorites so far;

Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - Pretty much the most unique platform engine ever made. I could definately imagine a sequel as a GTA style roaming game.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath - Very interesting first-person shooter... best use of third-person perspective ever in a videogame I think. I love the all-fours running animation too. Brilliant plot, great characters!

Chronicles of Riddick - Such an awesome atmospheric game. Really good character dialogue and a great plot, with some good twists at the end.

Halo 2 - A well balanced shooting game that looks very fun. I can't wait to play more of this.
Munch's Oddysee was terrible. I don't see a 'GTA style roaming game' sequel coming unless they revamped it (as in, did what they wanted to do in the first place; a la Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts) because as I said, it was terrible.

Halo 2 was abhorrent and ruined anything fun about the first game.

Abe's Oddysee and ArmA, and a touch of Midnight Club LA.

This is a good post.
What's ArmA? How's it play?
I see you jockin' me.

04-16-2009, 01:31 AM
alf's brother's mate's Avatar
alf's brother's mate
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ArmA is Armed Assault, a high spec FPS made by the guys over at Operation Flashpoint. Here's a link to the official website... http://www.armedassault.com

It's a great game, but my PC struggles in gunfights even though it bitchslaps the recommended system requirements. It runs better on some GFX cards than others though, so if you buy it, I would recommend a 512mb Graphics card to play it.

It's a great game, you can edit and create your own missions from scratch using waypoints, triggers etc., giving the AI a really realistic feel.
There are some super mods as well, Vietnam, WW2, and I have just finished installing the BushWar Mod (1966-1989 war between Angola and SA) and it's good fun.


Last edited by alf's brother's mate; 04-16-2009 at 01:35 AM..
04-16-2009, 09:09 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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Oh, Nate. You're really in for a treat.
Lol, I read it as "teat". I was like: Whut?
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

04-18-2009, 11:04 AM
Ajiellyn's Avatar
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Half Life 2: Episode 2 now... Man, I can't believe I missed out on these games for so long.

By the way, was there ever any kind of Valve multiplayer thread for Team Fortress 2 or perhaps Synergy (HL2 Coop) if anyone is interested?

04-18-2009, 01:10 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Mac Sirloin
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I don't think so. You could make a 'non Xbox Live online games thread' if you wanted to.

Playing some Quake 4. All of my NPC team mates are the nicest dudes ever. "Oh hey, let me heal you up." (Heals me COMPLETELY). And the armor guy follows me just to help my armor. I hope they don't die.
I see you jockin' me.

04-20-2009, 03:58 AM
skillyaslig's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
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Hmm, okay, I was playing Left 4 Dead, and Zoey was a dumbass and kept on running into the Witch-Bitch and freaking her out, so she died a few times...Then there was a Tank, and I threw a Molotov at it, but missed and set Louis on fire and he ended up getting hulk-smashed by the Tank.
Then I played some Kingdom Under Fire, as that elf lady. Was funny, as I had some weird-ass sling-shot as my long ranged weapon, and was chucking rocks at dead people. Kinda fun game, but can get boring.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

04-20-2009, 06:55 PM
Daxter King's Avatar
Daxter King
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Half-Life 2:Episode 2. Wow. I admit, OANST, I was wrong. This is one amazing game or expansion whatever. Just got to the Strider attack on the missile silo. Hunters are as annoying as fuck, though besides the obvious gun the kills them in one hit, Magnum is really effective.
04-20-2009, 11:53 PM
Xavier's Avatar
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Started Bioshock for the third time Still love this game

04-21-2009, 01:13 AM
Phylum's Avatar
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F Zero X for the 64 is awesome. Can't belive I've never found it before.

Oh, and a bit of Mario cart (64) with my friends.

I'm going through a 64 phase at the moment

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