Been a long time since I played it but this is the game I have saved on my memory card...not my first time through, was my second or third
PS1 version (I've got it on the PC too, but in french for some reason)
*noses savegame*
4 hours 47 minutes
92 saved
0 casualties
So missing seven...that isn't bad, maybe I should play it again
I have no idea about the time, but before I got the 99 muds, I completed it a few times with 98... it was that damned scrabanian one that was missing (one in one of the temple vaults).
The first time, I recall, was on playstation, and it took me from 1997-2000 to beat the game all the way through. (I was only 4 in '97). At the time, I had gotten the bad ending, but I don't remember any further than that.
Recently I decided to attempt all the games at 100% in the fastest time I could. AO was about 4 hours maybe? (PSX) On the PC it took me about 3 hours. (easier to control)
With the worst ending possible it only took me about 2 hours or so on both systems.
Hey, I technically use it on the PS2, not the PS1 *doesn't own a PS1*
I'm guessing the numbers are for the gamespeak, where on the PS controller it is just a two button combination, actually simple to remember once ye get used to it ^^
What I mean is that, there is nothing that cannot be done on either control scheme.
Although you get the 1-9 advantage with the keyboard, you also have the problem of holding shift and pressing up/space bar. Both control methods are similar enough to ensure that balancing is pretty fair.
What was your best time at the last Oddysee level guys? I was playing today and managed to get 1:15 left on the clock.
with or without the -ddcheat?
I just tried the Boardroom level and managed to pull the final lever with just under 1·20 left on the clock. I could probably do it in several seconds less than that if I kept at it and perfected some timings.
I just tried the Boardroom level and managed to pull the final lever with just under 1·20 left on the clock. I could probably do it in several seconds less than that if I kept at it and perfected some timings.
Have you done it without getting Shrykull? It helps a lot.
I think my record time when I did a speedrun for this was an hour exactly, didn't really upload it anywhere because my computer died on me.
1 mudokon saved.
30 something killed.
68 not saved.