Well, I don't think the first commandment is considered bad, it just makes people confused. But I'm Christian and It's against my religion to believe in other Gods besides God himself and his son. Because God will punish me, If i believe in Hindu gods and worship them. That won't make any sense.
And Daniel, if your parents are so active in the bible, would they know that you can't think that the whole bible is not take n literally or not all christians are not in the same level? So some people would not know that, so you would have to teach them, not beat it in people like you did. Okay, one scripture it saids that fornication is a sin. Are you not going to take that literally? Yeaaeh. But in Proverbs, one verse states, "Wisdom cries out in the streets." Wisdom is not actually crying out of the street. It's just symbolizes, Wisdom being out there, and you either except it or not. It's not a sin to take the bible literally. And if people do, then you have no right to beat it down on them. Christ did not beat things down on people. Once you get baptized, you won't automatically stop smoking or use drugs, It takes time. You are a baby in Christ. it's like being a baby. When babys are born, can they feed themselves? I'm not there yet either. And Daniel, since your so worried about your parents, what have you been doing your self? When you face God, are you going to say my parents this and this, and God is going to tell you, what did you do? So you need to help your self be obidient also, instead of looking at other people.
And Sydney, if you read 2Timothy 3:1-9, and 1 John and 2 John, you will know what I mean.