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11-08-2008, 12:52 PM
lbyrd2's Avatar
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Abe's Oddysee :d Just the feel of being this captured being that discovers the tales about the creatures on his world, thats just awesome and till now there hasnt been a single game that had a better story in my opinion
very true.
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11-12-2008, 02:07 PM
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well hi there, i newbie.
my favourite game of the oddworld series is definitely Abe's Exxodus. It's much larger than AO, and it seems to me more well-engineered. Especially the artwork and the sound/music. ellen meijers-gabriel is a genius! <--- but this includes AO too. Favourite part in AE is Scrabania. wonderfull backround and lightning. still influences me in drawing^^.
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11-12-2008, 05:03 PM
crazysteef's Avatar
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I'll just say that I like the overall story of Abe's Oddysee more, but prefer the gameplay of Abe's Exxodus. But story usually wins over gameplay for me, so I guess I'll have to go with Abe's Oddysee.
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11-13-2008, 06:05 AM
Admiral Zaarin's Avatar
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I like both games equally. In my point the bizzare atmosphere is stronger in Abe's Oddysee and the storyline itself is better. But in Exoddus there are some brilliantly designed locations as Bonewerkz and Slig Barracks or FeeCo. And the idea of MOM news was great!
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11-26-2008, 04:21 AM
Xx_Abe_xX's Avatar
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Abe's Exoddus is better.
Any particular reason or are you just gonna leave it at that? In my opinion, AO was better because it was highly original. AE was basically the same thing, just extended and with different gamespeak. The backgrounds were incredible, and the in-between level videos were definitely the best for PS1 I have ever seen. Not that AE was bad; Not in the slightest! But AO was the first one, making AE look like an edited copy. So, I guess I'm saying that AO is better...
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12-01-2008, 07:02 AM
Tidus's Avatar
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I think Abe's Oddysee is better, like my mates say it explains the story that he's walking around. Abe's Exoddus has weird bugs (well Abe's Oddysee too, but not much as Abe's Exoddus), and was a bit long and repetitive for me.

Abe's Oddysee was the first PlayStation game I got, and I have it here, I can't play it on my PS2 but I made a digital copy (I beated the game with my copy in emulator). When I got the game when I was a child I got really surprised. The incredible graphics for that time were amazing, and I really liked the variety of scenarios, like RuptureFarms, and then the wild-life of Scrabs and Paramites, and don't forget Elum. That was beatiful, and the music too. And the story is just perfect, instead of Abe's Exoddus.. Well, it's the same thing again.

I think that's why I say Abe's Oddysee is better. I get surprised with it when I was a child, and it went down to my heart. It's my favourite game, and for me it's the best game ever made.

Last edited by Tidus; 12-01-2008 at 07:05 AM..
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12-01-2008, 11:25 AM
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AO hands down. AO is a very original game and as far as I'm concerned AE has a bullsh*t story. It's hard to explain but there's this certain atmosphere in AO which is truly unique to AO.
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12-02-2008, 07:45 PM
lbyrd2's Avatar
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no it dosen't.
my youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/lbyrd222

my deviantart page: http://lbyrd2.deviantart.com/

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12-02-2008, 08:51 PM
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no it dosen't.
Oh, excuse me for having an opinion!
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12-12-2008, 05:26 AM
just_an_(ODD)alisque's Avatar
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exoddus,only because of the quicksave...
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12-15-2008, 03:09 AM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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Abe's Oddysee, hands down. I've said this SO many times before, but while Abe's Exoddus is a great game, it cannot ever compare with the atmosphere in AO. Yes, AE had more stuff in it...but if you really think about it, all that stuff does is distract you from what the game is really about, and the message gets kinda lost. I guess the more simplified gameplay in AO brings out the theme of the game more.

And also:
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

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12-15-2008, 07:03 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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Oddysee introduces the Oddworld series with a very good plotline, very mind-puzzling gameplay, and a "realistic" alien atmosphere.

However, with gameplay, I myself would root for Exoddus. It's cool killing Fleeches as a Scrab or Paramite.
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12-16-2008, 09:22 AM
Incognito's Avatar
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I love both games, but I have to agree that the atmosphere of Abe's oddysee is much darker than Abe's Exoddus. AE is a much bigger game in comparison, with brilliant environments. But then again I love the environments in AO. Oh, I can't decide.

Now if only AO had quicksave...

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12-16-2008, 11:45 AM
Admiral Zaarin's Avatar
Admiral Zaarin
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I love both games, but I have to agree that the atmosphere of Abe's oddysee is much darker than Abe's Exoddus. AE is a much bigger game in comparison, with brilliant environments. But then again I love the environments in AO. Oh, I can't decide.

Now if only AO had quicksave...
I think quicksave will take away much tention from AO and make it way too easy. AO's puzzles are not very complicated comparing to AE's, EXEPT for not having quicksave option.
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12-16-2008, 02:41 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Yeah, I definitely agree that AO should not have Quiksave...In my opinion it made AE too easy, imagine what it would to to AO
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

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12-17-2008, 08:40 AM
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Well, you could not use Quiksave.

Also; Exodus. Just more fun for me.
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12-17-2008, 09:35 AM
Admiral Zaarin's Avatar
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Anyway you could save everywhere you whant in AE, that makes the game wa-a-ay easier. Besides I can't imagine how long it would take to beat AE if there were the checkpoint system as in Oddysee.
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12-17-2008, 02:07 PM
scrabface's Avatar
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well if some of you think, that Quicksave was too easy, why using it? i mean, be creative!
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12-17-2008, 10:00 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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well if some of you think, that Quicksave was too easy, why using it? i mean, be creative!
Because AE is not intended to be played without QS. The mandatory checkpoints are much rarer than the AO equivalents (1/level) and completing an entire level without dying once is damn near impossible.

Agreed on AO quicksave being not a good idea. Exoddus was built to be hard even with instasave, by having long chase levels and timers. E.g. the Mudanchee Vault Ender. You're on the run for nearly the entire level, and the entirety of the last bit, so QS is useless. Oddysee wasn't built that way; hence QS would make the game ridiculously easy.
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

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12-18-2008, 03:11 AM
just_an_(ODD)alisque's Avatar
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E.g. the Mudanchee Vault Ender. You're on the run for nearly the entire level, and the entirety of the last bit, so QS is useless. .

I hate it!But...I usually manage to make a quicksave after the door with the fleeches
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12-18-2008, 08:11 AM
SNegrea's Avatar
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Both are very good.

Although I would obviously choose AO, not just because of the atmosphere, but also because they worked harder on it than on AE, where they just had to expand it... For when I'm lazy, AE is better, even the secret areas are quite easy in comparison with the ones from AO... But otherwise, AO has its charm.
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12-21-2008, 12:27 PM
Underworld's Avatar
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Well I prefer Abe's Oddysee. It had better locations and story than AE in my opinion.
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01-10-2009, 10:55 AM
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persabe  (10)

Exoddus. Just because it's scarier.
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01-11-2009, 01:53 PM
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Honestly I don't like quicksave either, I think video-games should save your progress after you reach a check point it makes the game more exciting because when it saves you feel like you've accomplished something.

Plus I don't risk forgetting to save since the game does it for me.

But I have nothing against a combination of the two, so I think I enjoy Exodus a bit more because it was longer and had more of those amazing cutscenes. Two-Disc games were the best back then weren't they? Seeing the two discs made me feel like I had to be committed to the game and made me feel more anxious to finish it, I never got bored of a Two-Disc game before beating it and that's a big deal to me especially when my parents were buying my games for me and it was required that I finished the game before getting another one lol.

I think I'd rather see a movie based on AO though, because I prefer the story mostly.
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01-15-2009, 12:46 PM
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What?? Exoddus didn't have a Rubbish storyline!
Anyways, i think Exoddus is Much Better then Oddysee, beacuse its got much a better storyline, its feels more advance were as Oddysee seems to simple, you can possess more characters, its longer, the musics better, and so on...
But i'm not saying Oddysee crap though, i still love it XD

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Last edited by Crashpunk; 01-15-2009 at 12:50 PM..
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01-20-2009, 03:41 PM
SlagoTheSlig's Avatar
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I like abe's exoddus better because the gameplay is better than abe's oddysee

Last edited by SlagoTheSlig; 01-20-2009 at 03:46 PM..
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01-20-2009, 07:17 PM
ssilbyma's Avatar
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i think AO is best. maybe cuz ive played it first. but theyre both awesome.
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01-27-2009, 04:42 AM
Xx_Abe_xX's Avatar
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I know that this has probably been said before, but AO had a better atmosphere, it seemed like you were actually in danger. In AE, Abe even says it himself, "I've been through this before." It was just another thing to save, but in AO, he had a bare idea of what he was doing. However, I have to give AE its props. The extended gameplay, 300 muds to save; I hardly believed that there were only 100 muds working in Rupturefarms, the ability to possess farts, I'm so glad that they finally added a USE for those things. , Plus, AO was more serious of a game, while AE seemed more like a joke. But yeah, AO in my opinon was waaaay better.
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01-27-2009, 06:59 AM
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I found that the effects of Quiksave were diminished somewhat by my forgetfulness. I would forget to use it so often, and only after numerous failings would I ever reward myself with respite from the much-completed earlier stages and puzzles in each level.
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01-27-2009, 12:10 PM
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I'm going to say what everyone's been saying... AO, because of its atmosphere. I can't really define that atmosphere, but there is something about it that attracts me more to AO than AE, even though AO was much more difficult.

For 'which is the better game,' I would say AE. It is a sequel that, bless OWI, did NOT try to 'fix what ain't broken' and only added more of what we wanted to see: more cutscenes, quiksaves, the ability to possess a wider range of species... That atmosphere that is so unique to AO is most likely due to the fact that it was Abe's first time and you couldn't possess wildlife and all that-- but how were we supposed to get a second game with that feeling? Admit it, you WANTED to be able to possess wildlife at some point. There is more to 'enjoy' here, yet I personally like AO more because, for reasons even I can't explain, its atmosphere is just that important.

So, which is the better game, as in which would I recommend more to a non-oddworld fan and casual gamer? AE. Quiksaves are essential here because if I'm introducing a gaming friend to Oddworld I don't want them to be frustrated right away.

Which would I rather take with me to a deserted island? AO.


Agreed on AO quicksave being not a good idea. Exoddus was built to be hard even with instasave, by having long chase levels and timers. E.g. the Mudanchee Vault Ender. You're on the run for nearly the entire level, and the entirety of the last bit, so QS is useless. Oddysee wasn't built that way; hence QS would make the game ridiculously easy.
Seconded. (Thirded?) I played through AE recently and I kept thinking about just how ridiculously difficult the game would be without quiksaves (think about the harder drill areas...) They obviously had quiksaves in mind when they were designing everything.

Last edited by Ajiellyn; 01-27-2009 at 12:15 PM..
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