What I think would be wonderful is if OI would create a new Abe game in same style as AO & AE. Now they have blue ray and that means super quality and size. Since the game doesnt take up much space with simple 2d graphs the game could be 10x the size of AO & AE together!
Edit: Ofc on the Ps3
Fanboy, much? Learn to appriciate that it is the game, not the console of company, that matters, eh?
And what you say about that game being 10x the size of AO + AE; WHY? Havn't you ever heard of a game outstaying it's welcome? Look at Portal and Braid- short games that were all the better for it. Same with AO (I though that AE dragge on a little). Not to mention that development costs and time it would take to make a game of that size.