Welcome to the Forums! Lol...Don't spam..Be wierd! Nah Just be weird! But don't forget don't spam or I'll hunt you down like a dog! Lol! Have a great time and go on Vykers Labs.com
I've given you an URL so Its easier to get there! I had a problam doing that when I was new so I'm just making it a bit easier for you!
Go to Oddworld.com
here!Go to oddworld.au.com
I'd go to Oddworldian.net! You should have no problam getting there! Thats the ones I recommend!
So how about a bit about yourself! Where do you live? Whats your age? Whats your favourite food? Ect.
What sites do you go on?
But the main thing to do on the forums is just have fun! Don't spam but Have fun!
See ya around maybe! Lol!