Favourite game mechanics
What are your favourite game mechanics and why? By game mechanics I mean any concept or action which is unique to one series or game, examples include the Gravity Gun (Half Life 2), Limit Breaks (Final Fantasy series) and (obviously) Gamespeak.
My favourite game mechanic is the Sanity Effects in Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, they added a whole new dimension of fear and suspension never seen before in the survival horror genre and made the game genuinely shocking at times.
A description of a few of them from Wikipedia:
* Sounds, such as footsteps, women and children screaming, doors slamming, and the sound of a blade being sharpened.
* Walls and ceilings bleeding. Attacking them causes more effusion.
* When casting a spell, the player character's body above the waist violently explodes.
* Appearance of large numbers of monsters that are not really there, and disappear when attacked.
* The player character's head falling off. When picked up, the head begins to recite Shakespeare (specifically, Act III, Scene I of Hamlet).
* Character or monsters shrinking or growing.
* A version of the blue screen of death.
* Statues and busts turning to look at the character. They turn back to original position when the character faces them.
* Character whimpering and babbling to him or herself.
* A "to-be-continued" message and promising continuation in a sequel game: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Redemption.
* Character walking into a room from a previous or future chapter that uses the same location.
* When trying to save, instead of the usual "Do you wish to overwrite saved data" screen, there is a "Do you wish to delete all save files" with the options "Yes" and "Continue without saving." No matter what you do, all files appear to be deleted.
* The word "VIDEO" appearing in the top-right corner in green text on an otherwise black screen, mimicking the "video" channel setting on most televisions when the game system is turned off.
* Game suddenly stops responding to player's commands just as the player-character enters a room full of zombies. The screen displays an error message claiming that the controller has been disconnected. Meanwhile, the zombies attack and kill the helpless character.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’