abe(if he counts),because he has the most skills,can possess other creatures,and can fart(thats the most important part).
but i would like to be a meech,but their extinct.so i cant.
No, they're a hive mind manipulating the actions of so-called "higher species" through the use of complex pheromones, ultra-high frequency sound and a telepathic control that itself originates from any one of the underground nerve clusters (composed from the self-sacrificed bodies of many slurg drones) that are structurally analogous to the brains of lower life-forms such as we. Of course, the hive mind itself is far more majestic than any encephalised portion of a single nervous system.
One slurg is merely a single cell in the greater whole. But I do not pretend to understand their motives. It would be like a cockroach trying to understand us.
In Ajiellyn's Oddworld dream you can actually be any character you want.
Then again being a Sea Rex would be cool plus no one's said anything about wanting to be one here.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
A Steef without a doubt I think there bad ass the whole look and everything. Plus there tough and strong so they don't have to worry about taking orders from Glukkons. But from a face grabbing Octopus...that's a different story.