If I were a Glukkon, heres what i'd say:
How many trees shall i kill today?
Oh, if I were a vyker, the first thing i'd do,
Would make an anti- laxitive to avoid the loo,
Now if i was a fuzzle the first thing i'd bite
Would be the nearest Slig in sight
Yet I'm sure you all agree, the thing we want to be,
Is one of those cute little par-a-mites!
Sid the Slig
Sid the Slig,
He wore a feathered wig.
The reason was simple,
the reason why-
because he didn't like paramite pie
and he wanted to join a Mudokon tribe!
So when he told his family,
Grandpa yelled "i'll shoot ye!"
And so, needless to say...
He bravely ran away!
"What glukkons lack in legs, they make up for in fashion sense"
Last edited by GlukkonGluk; 05-11-2008 at 08:53 AM..