Great job, Mr Deflok, your article makes for an enjoyable read. Like you say, it’s well sculpted for a general audience. There are just a couple of things that get me as a fan niggling, though nothing at all serious.
Abe’s Oddysee was released in 1997 on the PS and PC, and the Mudok
ons were going to be used for food, not fuel. There are a couple of instances where you’ve used the ‘Odyssey’ spelling, I don’t whether intentionally, or whether your spell checker got the better of you.
I haven’t heard anything about an apocalyptic war in Citizen Siege. I think the idea of it is that their universe is what our world becomes if it’s business as usual rather than anything catastrophic.
Stranger’s Wrath was never part of the planned Quintology; only the first and second parts of the five‐part Quintology were released (AE and SW were bonus games created as Lorne saw various market needs and opportunities). Squeek’s Oddysee was set to be the third story.
The Hand of Odd was shelved while
Munch’s Oddysee was still in development. It was
The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot that OWI was working on when the company closed down.
Fangus wasn’t set on Oddworld either, but it used the
Stranger game engine. A big motivator for Lorne stopping development on that was that Microsoft stopped supporting game dev on the original Xbox.