The Golden Era?
Okay, so we all know about the old farts telling everyone about "When I was your age..." or "Back when I was suchnsuch age...." and they claim that back then, it was their prime age blahdiblahdiblah.
But what about you? Did you ever have an era, a year, a month when all was well with the world, and you couldn't be happier, and why? Are you going through it now? Or, for the younger Inhabitants, what would make your Golden Era if you havn't experienced it yet?
For me, I'd have to say, seeing as I don't think I've had one yet, that my Golden Era would be when I leave home and get the job I want. Yeah, I've always wanted to be able to be rid of my insufferable parents and earn my own keep... *sigh* only a few more years...