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08-16-2007, 09:55 AM
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right on the first opening sequence where you are swimming in the sea.
there is a suitcase bobbing in the water.
you need to push the suitcase all the way into the lift thing at the start
Then you wiat until you can press A on objects
open it and voila!

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08-16-2007, 10:07 AM
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wow sounds like a cool thing to try
I allready fnished the demo 3 times but I think I'll try a 4th time very soon

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08-17-2007, 10:37 PM
toxicity's Avatar
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PR377Y \/\//-\73R GR/-\FF1X!!1

No, actually the whole demo is really good, not just teh water.

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08-18-2007, 07:12 AM
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i know!
I hope the real game is just as good (which i bet it will or even better obv)

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08-18-2007, 10:29 PM
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1: Can't push the big red trunk through the door.
2: Can't push ANY suicases through the door.
3: Multiple vids around showing people who DID manage to get a suicase through the door, only to end up with them falling through the floor of the bathysphere.

Sounds like a fake to me.
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08-19-2007, 02:55 AM
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Sorry Mojo i was just posting what i heard

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08-27-2007, 09:18 AM
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Great game, I like it a lot and I will buy it the second I know it's released. I just played the demo and I've never enjoyed a demo that much I think. The fact that you're not walking down 'another corridor' makes this game much more enjoyable. Even in the demo I havn't been in an enviorment that looked like something I've been before, except maybe the toilets. Absolute win!
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08-27-2007, 09:52 AM
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i can't wait to get it either :-)
i hope i get it on my birthday!

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08-27-2007, 11:26 AM
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I just ordered it and I will have it tommorow .
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08-27-2007, 11:28 AM
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I want it too! Too bad I don't have enough money at the moment

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08-27-2007, 04:24 PM
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It is way overhyped and does not deserve the praise it is getting. My 2 cents.
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08-27-2007, 11:50 PM
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It does, at least in my eyes. There need to be more games out there that have the originality of this enviorment and story. Also it's the first game since the Oddworld games that I know has a good ending or bad ending depending on what you do in the game, which is a first as far as my memory goes for a shooter genre.
You're not going to be bored with this game for a second because with every step you take you're on your toes waiting for some lunatic to jump out of the shadows.

The only nitpick I have about what I've played in the demo is the first few minutes... The guy crashes into the sea, is the sole survivor without a scratch no less, manages to swim to a nearby lighthouse and decides to step into the submarine thingy? Minus points for making sense of the story there because no person with more then 1 braincell is going to even step inside that scary lighthouse after he's just crashed and survived. I would sit at the lighthouse and wait for the coastguard .
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08-28-2007, 12:31 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
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It does, at least in my eyes. There need to be more games out there that have the originality of this enviorment and story. Also it's the first game since the Oddworld games that I know has a good ending or bad ending depending on what you do in the game, which is a first as far as my memory goes for a shooter genre.
You're not going to be bored with this game for a second because with every step you take you're on your toes waiting for some lunatic to jump out of the shadows.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I swear when they do pop up I always end up shrieking in fear. Damn my panic mode.
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

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08-28-2007, 12:44 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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I got it the 23rd, yayness. The game is AWESOME. Just wait till you've had your first Big Daddy experience XD.

Though I have to say, I thought there were supposed to be alot more Plasmids. Now I keep ending up using the same Plasmids over and over again.


I tend to use Electro Bolt on anything mechanical, and hack it, and ONLY for that, since Static Discharge does the same, without using EVE, for biological enemies. Now, I could have one of the Engineering Tonics to make the hacks less difficult, but you'll only lose a little bit of health when you bring the fluid to a dead end (as opposed to losing ALOT of health when leading it to an OVERLOAD tile), and you can just try again. So I generally use the Hackers Delight Tonic (get Health and EVE whenever you hack).

I NEVER use the Winter Touch (or something like that), since it freezes your opponents, and they will shatter in a thousand pieces, therefore rendering you unable to search the bodies for loot.

I hardly use Enrage, since it would only be helpful when there's a BD with some Splicers, but the problem is , the BD kills them in 1 swipe.

The Cyclone Trap, I didn't even bother getting that. Who says the Splicers will walk over it?

Insect Swarm. Now this is one I'm pretty disappointed with. Remember one of the first Bioshock trailers? In which he injects himself, and creates a swarm of angry wasps? It's nothing like that.

Im generally disappointed with the introduction of the Plasmids anyways, when you got the Electro Bolt, there was this awesome cutscene. I just wish they did that with every Plasmid. Also, IF there IS a Teleport Plasmid, they've put it way to far into the game. I haven't seen it yet .

One last thing, some of the Tonics require you using the Wrench. Seriously, is anyone gonna use the wrench when you have a effing Grenade Launcher in your inventory?!

Other than that, the game is AWESOME. The atmosphere (heh, pun not intended) is very creepy, and the graphics are AWESOME (sometimes you come across a pool of oil/fuel/whatever, and it burns at a slightly different colour than, say, a Splicer). Also, the water effects are purdy, and I love the fact that the screen goes watery whenever you pass through a waterfall. Only minor error is the fact that water doesn't distort when you look through it. What I mean is, when you look "outside", to the rest of Rapture. You should have a perfect view, without any rippling and the like.
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- And you're still a dick.

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08-29-2007, 07:05 AM
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i'm glad you liked it mojo

now i can't wait for it even more

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08-29-2007, 07:36 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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It does, at least in my eyes. There need to be more games out there that have the originality of this enviorment and story. Also it's the first game since the Oddworld games that I know has a good ending or bad ending depending on what you do in the game, which is a first as far as my memory goes for a shooter genre.
You're not going to be bored with this game for a second because with every step you take you're on your toes waiting for some lunatic to jump out of the shadows.

The only nitpick I have about what I've played in the demo is the first few minutes... The guy crashes into the sea, is the sole survivor without a scratch no less, manages to swim to a nearby lighthouse and decides to step into the submarine thingy? Minus points for making sense of the story there because no person with more then 1 braincell is going to even step inside that scary lighthouse after he's just crashed and survived. I would sit at the lighthouse and wait for the coastguard .
Play the game. You'll find out why.
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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09-03-2007, 11:08 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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Just finnished the game playing for the good ending... while I did enjoy the story up to the 'middle part' I was kinda disappointed by the ending. It seems like games these days can't have good endings anymore .
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09-03-2007, 11:45 AM
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ooooh joy.

now i have low expectations for the ending

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09-04-2007, 07:01 AM
Mojo's Avatar
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I thought it was a pretty good ending. Though the last fight was too easy. The Crossbow RULES.

Did you find all the Power to the People machines?
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- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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09-05-2007, 01:21 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Hey, the wrench with all of the tonics added is quite awesome - why do you think it's the only weapon you can't upgrade?
The game was great, and I was not disapointed with the ending (good) - now all I have to do is play it on hard. There are things I'll do differently, but I think the main one is survive. One thing, I thought the respawing system was weird...
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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09-05-2007, 07:34 AM
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I'm getting it today, I hope. I finally have enough money...I can't wait for it.
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09-05-2007, 09:08 AM
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I got it two days ago but I'll finally have time to play it in a few hours

uber yay!

BTW I got the Colector Edition!

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09-05-2007, 10:52 AM
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Nice, Xavier, you can enjoy the sexy 6" big daddy.

Because of sheer dedication, and an actual belief, I'd have to say Metroid Prime 3 is better.
Simply because I want it to be, and don't even own it.
I see you jockin' me.

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09-05-2007, 11:45 AM
Oddys's Avatar
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One answer: Monotony

Great Atmosphere in the first hours of playing, but after a while I recogniced, that it's all the same - whole time.

But hey, it's a nice game. But it's not a great game.
Oldest and biggest Oddworld-Fanatic in Germany 1997-2007.

Oddworld: Skillya's Brood - Read it, feel it, taste it!

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09-05-2007, 03:17 PM
6-finger-fred's Avatar
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My NON-SPOILER mini-review.

Awesome. Immersive. Great story. Amazing plot twist. I love this game better then Half-life 2.. *cringes*
I recently beat it, saving every lil' sister (cause Imma wuss) and the ending blew me away. It was the first time my emotions have been tapped in a long time, and the absolute first that happened because of a video game. 10-10
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09-05-2007, 04:08 PM
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My extensive review of the game: http://www.oddworldforums.net/blog.php?b=29
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09-06-2007, 03:24 PM
Voodoo Hand's Avatar
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So Cool !

My NON-SPOILER mini-review.

Awesome. Immersive. Great story. Amazing plot twist. I love this game better then Half-life 2........................ It was the first time my emotions have been tapped in a long time, and the absolute first that happened because of a video game. 10-10
I am so on board with this!
Have even stopped to think about why this game has such a hold on me.

One thing would be the amazing art work that went into this project. Once you get past the fact this city is on the bottom of the sea, it almost seems real.
The artist did stellar job of portraying the mood of the place, opulence and
decay, beauty and carnage all at the same time.
I got smoked more then once because i was just looking around.

The story, IMO, was captivating, give this to someone like Harlan Ellison and
you would a very creditable novel.

The story line has all the elements of a Greek tragedy , egomaniac builds his
idea of utopia only to find that it fatally flawed, and than has to stand by as it turns in to a horrible parody of itself. The many layers of betrayal , a grand idea destroyed from within, Heady stuff for a vid game.

Above all the most astounding element, at least to me, was these sorry SOB
developers made me care about what happened in Rapture ! This is new to me, never happened in Doom, or M of H, or Morrowind, or Oblivion, or Half-life
or Gears of War, or Halo, or Fallout or any game for that matter.

The only reason I can come up with is that the antagonist in Bioshock, although majorly twisted, still maintain a certain " humanness" .
They are notsome super race from space or underground, a la Half-life, G of W, or
Halo, or some mindless hulk from the zombie trash games, no they were supposed to be the best and the brightest, driven to madness by their own hand, and of course a little genetic help.
Started to feel sorry for them after a while.

Having said that, I must admit taking great pleasure saving and going back many times to administer the most horrible death I could devise for Mr. Coen,
that was one sick monkey.

Two questions:
Why did you give me a crossbow, when I have all these neat guns ?

Answer: Because the F#cking crossbow rules!

Why do I not have " The Putter " when I got to talk with Frank ?

Answer: I don` know, but it would somehow seemed fair.

Oh, and Hobo if you read this, the entire time I did this could not help
thinking about Fallout, me thinks you will like this, mucho.

HEY, what the hell happened to my dog butt avatar ????

One last thing, would like to thank Havoc for his blog entry.
I rented the game and did it over the Labor Day weekend. have no idea how many hours spent on the 360 but never made the ADAM-EVE connection till i read the blog. To stupid to live.
"I`m drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin.......... straight from the bottle again and again "

Last edited by Voodoo Hand; 09-06-2007 at 04:05 PM..
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09-06-2007, 03:50 PM
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Half Life 2, in any form, is better than this game.
Honestly, I'd take a strider over a big daddy any day.
I see you jockin' me.

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09-06-2007, 06:10 PM
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Ugh. Somebody KILL ME PLEASE! (Yes! Now I want you to quote this and post something sarcastic!)

I bought Two Worlds instead of Bioshock, thinking it would last me longer. Two Worlds is ok but the voices are completely horrible and some graphics are bad, aaaand the cursed animation and camera are terrible. Other then those though, I actually like the game. But now I feel bad for leaving Bioshock behind the glass door...just sitting there. Crying. Thinking I hate it because I bought another game instead of it.

I feel like killing myself for doing this.
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09-06-2007, 07:10 PM
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LOL. I heard Two Worlds sucks some balls, big daddy balls. If you wanted something to last you you should've tried Blue Dragon, friggin 3 discs.....
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