1337some = something that is 1337. 1337 = elite, which means awesome;great;super;excellent. 
Oh, thank you!
I love your new AVA and SIG! Awesome job! (now I want one...)
Sure, I could make you one. What kind of signature d'you want?
Is Johnny dead yet? (Because I hate rodents)
Heh heh.
I'm finished sketching this scene of my comic. Yes, he died. Kana ate him.
Do you know why exactly I'm proud of the few photos of that elk? Because I was the one who took them.

And yes, it is a
wild animal.
We had vacation in the Yellowstone national park. And when we drove through that forest, we saw that beautiful animal eating grass and I asked, "Can I please got outta the car to take photos?" And they said, "Yes, sure."
They had no idea what I really planed to do.

Not only taking pictures, but taking good pictures! The elk was yet pretty far away from the car and the road. So I had to come closer. I'm crazy enough for that.
One of my many mottos are "Try out some adventures. Either you're gonna die or your life gets more exciting."
What do you have to loose?
This one and the next three photos are my favorites of the 36 pictures I took. The reason why I took so many pictures from the moment I tried to come closer to that elk is that I didn't know which ones might be the last one I take in my life.
If you wanna take good pictures of wild animals (at least, the not-carnivores ones, because I haven't dared to try that out... yet) then you have to know about some rules.
I survived it, that's why the rules will be useful for you too:
- Don't act like a carnivores that's gonna attack that animal you're interested in. That means: Don't run toward to it but always walk slowly and carefully in its range of vision so that it doesn't think you're sneaking up from behind to eat him.
- Always look at the animal's eyes to find out about its mood, especially if it looks up to you. Looking up often means, it wants to know what the hell you're doing and whether you're gonna hurt him with that.
If it thinks you're okay, it will look away again and continue doing what it was doing (like eating grass). If it would be not okay, this elk would probably had show me his antlers with an aggressive pose as a damn serious warning.
If you didn't learn how to see an animal's mood, then step away from it slowly to let it know, you don't plan to hurt it. Do this till it looks away again. It's just safe...
- And when the animals lies down, it's a sign that it's calm. If it would consider you as a danger, he wouldn't dare to lie down because... hm... would you lie down if you see a carnivore watching you? You'd probably run away.
After I took the last photo, a ranger came and was pretty pissed because of all the people who took photos of that elk. We came definitely too close to that wild animal.
It was a law of security that we only might take pictures of animals from the road. But those photos would have been way too bad...
I don't like photos with animals which are so far away, that they look like a dot. So it was worth to be in outlaw in that case
By the way, the ranger was especially angry with me because I was the closest one of all those photographers.
I'm even proud of this!