If you wanted to make it bigger, of course.
If you want oddworld sprites, I think your best best is just making your own, in MSPaint. There ain't no ripping any, from any game or source, anywhere.
I could and I would but for some reason or another (my computer obviosly has a mind of its own and seriosly hates me) Flash has sieced working so I can't do anything related to animating or, in this case, unanimating.
I don't suppose anyone could make anything of this? If you can tell me and I'll screenshot the rest of the message.
hmm I'd try reinstalling flash, or get rid of win9x buggy and unstable, get an NT based OS (win2k+)
Also nice work, im about to work on reversing the sprites from the game files a bit more today, dont expect any progress though :/
you shouldnt need a new computer, if you're running windows98 ( or maybe thats even 95? ) windows 2000 would run fine, I even have it on a pentium 133mhz (32mb ram? cant remeber)
Do you mean me writing huge letters or Carnix's sprites? If you reffered to me go to th very bottom of the page and you will find a box that says Oddicons are on, [IMG] codes are on,etc find the code that make the letters.... and im too tired to write the rest down *yawn*
Munch's Oddysee wasn't a bad game.
since it's Alienmagi I have a feeling he's referring to me. It's not hard to change the size of text because you can use the text size thing at the top of the post screen.
thats really cool, except i am a computer fool, my knowledge of computers is similar of that to the obliviousness of a person left in a dark room, so i don't know how to use sprites. aaaaaaaaah i can dream.