I thought that was an Oddworld cake! I just wasn't sure! Wow you realy are dedicated 
What, you mean the big Oh-Double-Yew-Aye didn't give it away?
And err... Devil Signs? What happened to the "Rock On" sign?
Xav, i swear you used to have a little goatee beard thing going on, what happened!
I remember that, he had that at the OWF Amsterdam meeting too! Heh, fun times, seeing Xav standing near these protesting Christians with the Rock On sign (That's Devil Sign for you, Havoc).
Oddys, get that goatee and that 'stache back, you look so much better with those.
ILoveHammy, I don't think I've said this before, but: Hummana Hummana Hummana! How is it that all Tenneseean girls are pretty? First Ambi, now you... Makes the think about moving...
Heres some of me.
Just me.
Such a menace to society...
(Can't seem to resize them... They show up all big everytime... Stupid computer.)
In attachments: Me in freezer, and me at the water, with some friends.
WARNING! Huge pics, might crash your modem XD.