.*DAnd we do, in teh magic world accesible by a pweeety wainbow! But then Barnabus makes Tiny cry, so Tiny tells Brutus and Brutus and Barnabus get into a big fist fight. Agent fights with Cal for being a sexist jerk, but he shuts her up with his tazer. Dimitrio attacks him in a blind rage because he hurt her, and the only way we can stop this mess is by using our new magical powers to make them into toddlers. But that just makes them fight and whine more. So we silence them with sleeping gas, but that actually turns out to be laughing gas and everyone not wearing a mask goes happilly insane. Cal them meets and falls in love with Domino, but he is angry at Domino for making him gay so he tazers him. But then he feels remorse at his actions and cries, for Domino is furious at him. The chaos ends in everyone fighting out of control, but they go to a drunken bar dance and drink themselves unconscious so the eye of the storm is calm.
The corruption is, we acidentally get tazered, and everyone knows that tazers hurtD:.
I wish....

Marclar corrupted that wish.