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07-17-2007, 08:19 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Happy Who likes Invader Zim and Gir?! I do!

Yeah, you heard the title, now tell me. I loves Zim and Gir, I just started liking them and was wonderin' if you like em' too. They rock in my opinion.

Tell me your favorite quotes, characters and show your fave pictures. (relating to the show only, of course.)
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

07-17-2007, 08:26 AM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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I just started liking them
Just like that?

Anyways, I love Zim's evil laugh.

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

07-17-2007, 10:21 AM
Venks's Avatar
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Gir: "Duh! To make room for the muffin!"

Gir: "Oh.. my bees."

Just like that?

Anyways, I love Zim's evil laugh.
If you like Zim's laugh then you will wet yourself to hearing Laharl from Disgaea laugh.
07-17-2007, 01:41 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Well, an approximate count of Zim fans..
1 septillion, 380 sextillion, 980 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, 381 trillion, 997 billion, 990 million, 210 thousand, 1 hundred, and 1.
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07-17-2007, 01:47 PM
looney-bin's Avatar
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Overrated. No wonder it got axed.
"Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen!"

07-17-2007, 01:53 PM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
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Well, I never really watched Invader Zim. I've heard many people like it. Is it really good?
07-17-2007, 02:05 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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Its bastardized anime, sorry kids,but invader zim is trying to hard to be Japanese.
I miss shows like Clerks and Animaniacs hell, even Earethworm Jim was better then this crap.
Feckin' fence-jumpin' Japs...
I see you jockin' me.

07-17-2007, 04:31 PM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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Whatever, but Invader Zim has it's own sick, twisted style of doing anything with crude humour just around everywhere!

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

07-17-2007, 05:00 PM
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I've never watched it. It could be a good show but I'm biased against it because my bitch of a former roommate's irritating dog was called Gir. I couldn't watch the show without horrible flashbacks.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

07-17-2007, 06:57 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Salad Fingers>>>googol^googol>>>>>>>>>>>Zim.
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07-17-2007, 07:06 PM
Mistress of Oddworld's Avatar
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Sounds ok... but I haven't ever seen it before. I have no idea why, but it reminds me of Earthworm Jim. Weird. And if it's wannabe jap stuff, I'm in! Unless it's american. Nuff said.
07-17-2007, 07:40 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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It is american...I just said it was bastardized anime.
Thank god for flash animations, or the whole world would have enormous eyes and fights ful of talking right now.
I see you jockin' me.

07-18-2007, 05:21 AM
Marvak's Avatar
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I saw someone mention salad fingers and I had to take a closer look. But then I saw this thread is about IZ... Well they don't show it on tv where I am, but from what I've seen it's awesome! And it definately does not resemble anime in any way. Believe me, I know anime. That is NOT anime.
Favorite quotes:

And as an added bonus:
"The feeling of rust against my salad fingers is almost orgasmic... heh"

07-18-2007, 07:22 AM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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No, stop RIGHT there, invader zim was basically a shortlived attempt at cashing in on japanese styles in animation, NOT anime, but the animation methods.
Either way, its just stupid, and not only does it not make sense, but theres all those stupid people making fucking Gir GIFs.
ITs for children, stupid, stupid, hideous, vile children, and I hate it, to me it is literal televised excrement; the equivalent of being strapped to a chair for 36 hours in front of a television watching fat men shit themselves.

However, there is nothing wrong with liking crap, like being a fan of techno music, or corprofelia (or so I am told), invader zim has its perks, my probelms are the masses of stupid people, particularly girls who are always saying...
"OMG!!11invader zim is kewl!!!!i wacth it with my dawg!!! i luv gir!! EHHHHHHN." that was the target audience, problem is, when they used clever jokes on the show, all those stupid people started to stop watching it, and all us intellectuals avoided it from the start, so here we are.
I see you jockin' me.

07-18-2007, 09:28 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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I (for once) agree with Marvak. Invader Zim and Gir are both awesome and they ARE NOT Japanese. Even if they were, I would still love them. Japs are cool. Kastere is jus' trying to ruin this whole thread. Zim is a great show, Alf_Shall_Rise. You should watch it sometime. I'll send you a link to some episodes if you like through the msn. I know you would probably love it.


Do you like Zim too, Patrick? I can really tell.
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

07-18-2007, 09:41 AM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
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Alrighty! But I can go on MSN at the moment today, sorry. So I'll try to go on tomorrow.
07-18-2007, 11:25 AM
Hulaabeo's Avatar
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I like Gir
07-18-2007, 12:10 PM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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IloveHammy!  (10)

I like Gir
Rock on! *hugs fellow fan*

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/60024699/ Check it out, yo! My first picture of Gir. Cute, eh?
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

Last edited by IloveHammy!; 07-18-2007 at 12:20 PM..
07-18-2007, 07:00 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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Trying to ruin the thread she says... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Uh...no? how about voicing my opinion, you idiotic re re.
Why are there so many stupid people on the internet? WHY? WHYYYYYY!?!?

Someone please close this tupid thread, my retardation handling levels are at critical mass!

EDIT: I just noticed the "put your favorite quotes" thing in 'Hammys' first post, well heres my favorite quote regarding the show:

Asses to you, asiaholic.
I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 07-18-2007 at 07:02 PM.. : I ****ing hate you all.
07-18-2007, 07:37 PM
sosha's Avatar
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you are very mean and i hope you know that you hurt her very bad thank for being so mean to my best friend i hope it comes back around.........i love zim
07-18-2007, 07:38 PM
sosha's Avatar
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oh and by the way im talk to you kastere
07-18-2007, 09:37 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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3/4ths of my family are IZ fans, and I still enjoy watching old episodes (although all the stupid fangirls are getting rather irritating, not to mention Hot Topic's raperaperaping of it). There seems to be an odd idea going around that it's American-made anime. If you've ever read the director's cut of JTHM, you can see from his old pictures that Jhonen Vasquez's style has looked like that since he was just a kid. If you want American anime, watch Ben 10 or Teen Titans. You can't get anymore anime rip-off than those series.

07-18-2007, 10:00 PM
Marvak's Avatar
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I (for once) agree with Marvak.
Whaddya mean, for once? I don't recall you ever not agreeing with me, on the few occasions there was a debate... unless you count the religion thread? If so, I'm sorry...

If you want American anime, watch Ben 10 or Teen Titans. You can't get anymore anime rip-off than those series.
What about Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go?

07-18-2007, 11:05 PM
Strike Witch's Avatar
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Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

07-19-2007, 07:13 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
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I like what I've seen of it so far (I've only seen one episode which is 'Zim Eats Waffles') and I found it pretty good. I found it pretty funny.

I don't really have a favourite quote. But I did like it because Dib (is that his name?) is trying to get the FIB to believe him about Zim being an alien.

Gir's pretty funny. I do like him.

And Kastere, I don't mean to sound rude. But I think everyone has a right to an opinion on what they like. 'Each to their own' I always say.
07-19-2007, 07:26 AM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Thank you so very much Sosha. I love ya girl! I also thank you, Ray. *hugs*

And to Marvak, I say it's okay. *more hugs*

I like it when Zim is on his way to earth and Gir sings the "Doom song". Here's the vid. So cute! http://www.oddworldforums.net/showth...307#post313307
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

07-19-2007, 09:56 AM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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What about Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go?
What the Hell is that? I don't believe I've ever heard of it.

07-19-2007, 12:07 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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3/4ths of my family are IZ fans, and I still enjoy watching old episodes (although all the stupid fangirls are getting rather irritating, not to mention Hot Topic's raperaperaping of it). There seems to be an odd idea going around that it's American-made anime. If you've ever read the director's cut of JTHM, you can see from his old pictures that Jhonen Vasquez's style has looked like that since he was just a kid. If you want American anime, watch Ben 10 or Teen Titans. You can't get anymore anime rip-off than those series.
ANN NEELY has it right, I am being a bit more hostile, but that sums up my feelings of the show.
Fine, I should say that most people who watch IZ are stupid anime fans who should rot in hell.
Fortunately, not all of them are.

And Sosha? Learn to type...or spell...whatever.
I see you jockin' me.

07-19-2007, 05:58 PM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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ANN NEELY has it right, I am being a bit more hostile, but that sums up my feelings of the show.
Fine, I should say that most people who watch IZ are stupid anime fans who should rot in hell.
Fortunately, not all of them are.
All the friend I know that are fans of Zim don't even watch anime and they're mostly weirdos, but still not as weird as me.

And Sosha? Learn to type...or spell...whatever.
Trust me, I've seen worse...

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

07-19-2007, 06:08 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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Every single person I know who watches Invader Zim is a Japanophile, I shit you not.

I see you jockin' me.

Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 07-19-2007 at 06:14 PM..

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