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07-05-2007, 09:08 PM
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Weird Dreams?

Have any weird dreams lately? Or awhile ago? Maybe a dream that told the future? Or just plain creepy? Post it here!

I won't be posting here about dreams though, for I don't have dreams. [lack of sleep]

....or nightmares. Whatever.
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07-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
Reiji Neko Mitsukai
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A classmate was serenading me while I was in the shower. And he was in the shower with me. And I was in my underwear.

Then I was running through the halls of some place, in desperate need of a bathroom (as I had drank about five cups of water before I had gone to bed that night and it was catching up to me at that point). Problem was, whenever I found one there were rabid snakes in all of them. Even found one where a snake had bitten the head off of another one. Woke up before I found a bathroom, luckily.

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

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07-05-2007, 09:29 PM
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I dreamed that I was a still a technical engineer, and that I was going to sue my boss for cutting corners on safety standards. He threatened to kill me if I tried, and the whole case went to court. He shot me in the shoulder in court, and the cops seized him. He broke out of prison and killed 76 people, then was killed by me (used a sword).

I know, a very bizarre dream to think that I'm 36, but still - I can't help that.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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07-06-2007, 12:03 AM
Marvak's Avatar
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I dreamed just last night that I was riding a Meetle, over mountains and valleys, and looking down on the world. That was one hell of a ride. Then I went into this tower/factory thing, which had a ladder, but didn't reach to the ground, which I thought was weird. Then I woke up, a little disappointed that I couldn't ride the Meetle again.

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07-06-2007, 01:22 AM
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I dreamed that I was eating a meat-lovers pizza, even though I am a vegeterian. Then this car, which for some reason had water in it and a shark, turned into this bone things, that chased me into some canyons then I tripped over our dead lab, and fell down a hill, and fell into this big wire rolling thing that had gnomes running around in it. Then I rolled out and fell off a cliff and woke up. Man, I hate those falling dreams!
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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07-06-2007, 05:18 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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I had a dream where I heard something weird from downstairs. Now usually, I would try to ignore it. But something compelled to find out what it was. So I went downstairs into the kitchen where the fridge door was open and someone was rummaging in there. I turned on the light and there was the Grim Reaper, eating everything in my fridge. He even had drank my Innocent Smoothie. I got angry and punched him in the face. And he ran away crying.

I have weird dreams.
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07-06-2007, 05:51 AM
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I had a dream where I heard something weird from downstairs. Now usually, I would try to ignore it. But something compelled to find out what it was. So I went downstairs into the kitchen where the fridge door was open and someone was rummaging in there. I turned on the light and there was the Grim Reaper, eating everything in my fridge. He even had drank my Innocent Smoothie. I got angry and punched him in the face. And he ran away crying.

I have weird dreams.

It was years ago, but I had this weird dream where I was in a Candytown. Maybe it's because I slept in the cupboard, hoping not to go to school the next morning.

Usually my dreams consist of something I really want, yet I can't get to it.
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07-06-2007, 11:23 AM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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I used to have low gravity dreams frequently before. Now I don't have them no more...

Maybe it's because I don't sleep anymore...

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

Last edited by Fortesque13; 07-06-2007 at 11:32 AM..
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07-06-2007, 11:26 AM
Mutual Friend
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I dreamt Peter Mandelson got assassinated. I was deeply distressed.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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07-06-2007, 11:26 AM
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Zozo the Zrilufet
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I remember the dream I had when I was a kid, where I was in this fun house with this black haired girl. Then this piece of wood kept on saying "Nosy nosy...Nosy nosy..." And she said "Hello?" And he said "Hello!"

And I still remember how his voice sounded. Most of my dreams are nuts.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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07-06-2007, 04:05 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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I had a dream where I realized it was a dream and I began to fly and run on water. I also found this place where a guy gave me all kinds of swords for free. Talk about fun!

I also had another dream where I could see this ghost of a friend that had commited suicide. Very interesting and realistic... And then it went to something completely different.

My most favorite dream tho' was where I had to save the school from Zombie students and kill the teachers that were turning us into them.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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07-06-2007, 04:32 PM
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Alf Shall Rise
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I had a dream where I realized it was a dream and I began to fly and run on water. I also found this place where a guy gave me all kinds of swords for free. Talk about fun!
Now that I actually think about any dreams I've had, one was like that. I was in the Holocaust (=/), and soon I thought, "What the hell? I'm supposed to be living in the year 2006." Yees, it was a year ago. Anyways, I found out it was a dream. So I said to my friend who happened to be there too, "C'mon! Help me get killed so I can wake up!" and all of the sudden I was playing Splinter Cell, and I was still in the Holocaust though. I was sneaking behind Nazis and soon I got caught and was about to be tortured. Then woke up.
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07-06-2007, 11:50 PM
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I've had all kinds of weird dreams. Unfortunately, since this is a kid's show, I won't be sharing the strangest ones.

I once dreamed that I was in bed and my arms and legs stretched ten feet long, and for some reason I became a trapeze performer, and had a ridiculously easy time with it. Then I woke up, a bit disappointed not to be freakishly tall.

Another strange sleeping occurence is when I trip in my dream, then wake up as if I had really tripped. I mean, my body would 'fall' just a real trip.

Sounds dull to you all, but for me it's very strange.


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07-07-2007, 05:43 AM
Mutual Friend
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They say the only thing more boring than people talking about their children is people talking about their dreams.

...A concept that I once had a dream about!
Life! Death! Prizes!

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07-07-2007, 09:46 AM
Gabiar's Avatar
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I was eaten by a plastic bag last night
Contains 150 eggs

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07-07-2007, 09:55 AM
Fortesque13's Avatar
Howler Punk
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I had a dream where I realized it was a dream
It's called lucid dreams. I had one. Spawned a hoverboard in front of me...

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

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07-10-2007, 08:16 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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I had a dream that I was at the grocery store with my mom, and Pyramid Head was in the cereal aisle with one of those race car-shaped carts.

Damn alarm clock woke me from that one.

I have an awful lot of dreams with PH in them, which is odd since the only Silent Hill game I play is SH3. I don't even watch the movie on a regular basis. He usually shows up working at Starbucks, though, serving coffee and chopping biscotti with his Great Knife.

I also seem to have a lot of dreams with dead relatives/pets in them, or dreams that continue the next night where they left off. This can go on for weeks.

Last edited by ANN NEELY; 07-10-2007 at 08:20 PM..
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07-10-2007, 09:27 PM
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I had a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, were transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls were able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I had dream today. I had a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This was my hope. This was the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith I was able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith I was able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith I was able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, all with filthy, filthy negroids.

It was a weird dream, to say the least. I woke up wet and sticky.

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07-11-2007, 04:57 AM
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Zozo the Zrilufet
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I just had a dream before today that I thought I warped to my school from my room and that I thought it wasn't a dream. I remember touching a wall and seeing my uncle John, and trying not to open my eyes so that I wouldn't wake up and go back to my bed. Then I just lazed around all day.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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07-11-2007, 08:23 AM
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It's called lucid dreams. I had one. Spawned a hoverboard in front of me...
Yeah. I know. But for those who didn't know, me popping out saying "I had a lucid dream" would make people gawk and then we'd have to go through a huge explanation like we are now.

Aaaanyways. I got a "Dream Dictionary and their Meanings" and after reading through it, I learned a lot more about the study of dreams and different theories to why we have them.

Also, last night I had a dream I was a Big Bro slig and I persuaded Abe that I was "helping" him. I never followed through with the rest of my plot as I was rudely awakened by my sisters but... it was very interesting.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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07-11-2007, 12:02 PM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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It was a weird dream, to say the least. I woke up wet and sticky.
I've never woke up wet and sticky in my life. I thought it was just a myth. Until now. Now I see.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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07-12-2007, 04:21 AM
Fortesque13's Avatar
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Yeah. I know. But for those who didn't know, me popping out saying "I had a lucid dream" would make people gawk and then we'd have to go through a huge explanation like we are now.
You could've put in in the "( )" thingy.(don't know what it's called...)

I've never woke up wet and sticky in my life. I thought it was just a myth. Until now. Now I see.
I wake up that way nearly every day. But, that's probably cause I sleep during the day. And it is summer.

Yes, I'm back... Yes, you'll all soon be licking my boots...

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07-12-2007, 07:24 AM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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You could've put in in the "( )" thingy.(don't know what it's called...)
They're called "parenthesis".

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07-12-2007, 08:03 AM
Abraham Lure's Avatar
Abraham Lure
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I had a very weird dream.

It was a dream where I was in my school...but I wasn't wearing anything. It felt really embarassing and I felt like I had to hide. No one seemed to notice...but I certainly did.

I woke up and was very relieved that it was just a dream.
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07-12-2007, 08:06 AM
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I have lucid dreams all the time and they own because if you get good enough at controling them... you can do anything you want. ANYTHING... and it feels like it's real. It's awsome.

For the sake of the minors on this forum I shall thus not be disclosing what kind of dreams I create for myself...
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-12-2007, 08:20 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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You could've put in in the "( )" thingy.(don't know what it's called...)

Yeah, but.... I'm lazy.

And last night I dreamed I was in some sort of underwater forteress or something. I can't really remember what happened, but it was pretty interesting and I have many fresh and vivid screenshots in my mind.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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07-12-2007, 08:32 AM
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A while back i had a dream i still remeber part of it but i not so sure abe and munch ran into a girls washroom
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07-12-2007, 09:02 AM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
Alf Shall Rise
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A while back i had a dream i still remeber part of it but i not so sure abe and munch ran into a girls washroom
Those dirty little perverts.
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07-12-2007, 12:31 PM
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Alex2405  (10)
Wired Dirty Little Perverts

Those dirty little perverts.
!Hahahahahahahahaha!Wha t a ,,NICE'' Comment!
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07-12-2007, 12:45 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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A while back i had a dream i still remeber part of it but i not so sure abe and munch ran into a girls washroom
When you start having dreams about Oddworld you need a girlfriend...
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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