well i have to say that they DO exist as well.
i posted this thing in my journal that was like 5 years old, and it talks of a galaxy that was found...moons, a sun, the works..they said NOW none of the planets could sustain life, but they possibly could have at one point in time..lemme know if you'd like me to dig up the article.
also, while i agree that probably 99.9% of UFO sightings and abductions ARE hoaxes, The Roswell 'incident' just seems to be real...
i had a chance to visit the outskirts of the supposed 'area 51' site, and there were signs all over warning you about tresspassing and being shot ect..
there were guards patrolling and in watch towers...they were pretty far away, but i could see the sun glinting off of what i assumed were the scopes of their sniper rifles....moving on----
I also agree that this universe is far to large for us to be alone...as far as the 'why would aliens come to this shithole?" question..simple, perhaps they are curious and wish to gather knowledge of other races/species...i also doubt that we would ever know if and when aliens ever do make contact as it would cause a general nationwide panic.
Plus, i feel that after picking up our TV signals of i love lucy ect, they would realise what hazardous beings we are...bah i have contradicted myself too much..