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08-23-2001, 02:57 AM
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How did you find Oddworld Forums?

Inspired by Gluk Schmucks' topic about history on the forums, I thought I'd start a topic about how everyone found the forums.

As for me, I first heard of the forums over at the Infogrames forums. I had just recently got into Oddworld was looking for info. I came across the Infogrames forums and read a post where someone asked "Sydney, what's happening with Oddworldian".

With more searching through some old posts I found a link to Oddworldian (then at http://odd.gaming.co.nz). I loved the Oddworldian site and found the forums. They seemed more active than the Infogrames forums, so I joined up, started posting and the rest is history!

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
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Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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08-23-2001, 03:48 AM
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hmmm I was doing a search on Oddworld and Came across AB's site. The first thing I hit was the Fan Fiction and then I noticed the link to the Fan Corner at the bottom of the page. I started lurking there in Dec of 00. I eventrally discovered the rest of the forums (mind you this is the very first message board I have come across). After Lurking some more, I finally joined the forums (Jan -Feb 01 timeframe).
Oy...that ended up being my forum history. *shrugs* oh well....

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08-23-2001, 04:46 AM
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I just went to Dogpile and typed in, "Oddworld". Simlpe.
- Drippik

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08-23-2001, 05:53 AM
abe22's Avatar
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I found the forums in oddworld.com in the top site thing then I joined here.
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08-23-2001, 06:12 AM
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Well, it's a long story...

Altough I am an Oddworld fan, I never searched for sites before. One day, I was surfing to Gamez.nl, a dutch gamesite. Gamez.nl has also forums, but not completly about Oddworld. I clicked on the platformgame forum, and there I read about Oddworld.com. I surfed to there and it was a fantastic site. A few days later, I discoverd Oddworldian and the Oddworld forums )I don't know how exactly.) I joined and the rest is history!

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08-23-2001, 06:13 AM
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I found the forums after i clicked the Forums link on Oddworld.com, i read a few posts then clicked register...
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08-23-2001, 06:59 AM
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I originally discovered the Infogrames forums from Oddworld.com, but never bothered to post.
A while later, I noticed the page of links to fansites that Oddworld.com had, and clicked on a few. I was particularly taken by Oddworldian and Oddworld-Web; they were and still are easily the best of all the fansites. I noticed that Oddworldian had a link to "Oddworld Forums". I thought it was just a link to the Infogrames forums, but to my surprise when I clicked on it, I found these (then ezboard) forums. I lurked for a few weeks, and decided it was a lot more exciting than the Infogrames version, then started posting.

I can still remember the exact first post I made (it was in a topic about which Oddworld FMV you think is best)... Ah, memories.
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08-23-2001, 09:13 AM
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I discover the Forum when it's was just maked, but I don't understand Englich and it's was boring me.
Now I can understand A little bit Englich and a foud it very nice

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08-23-2001, 10:01 AM
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Here's how it happened with me.
I've been going to oddworld.com since 1997.
Oddworld games have always been fun to play for me.

Then one day the oddworld website got a huge overhaul, which took several months to complete. After a while I got fed up of waiting so I stopped visiting the site.
Then one day I descided to go back and finally the site had been finished.

I went in and for the first time I went to the links section.
There were several links, I visited them all.
And when I went to the forums, it didn't seem very good at all, I thought it was really boring, so I just ignored it.

Several months later I went back to the forums and viewed a few of the topics. I was interested so I descided to become a member.

And now that I'm here I'de have to say this has got to be the best website ever. Lots of people to talk to, interesting topics to look at and well a good place for info and opinions on everyting.

[ August 23, 2001: Message edited by: Naxos ]
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08-23-2001, 02:59 PM
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At the beginning i was very often in the OddChat, and the people who cames into the chat to talk with other fans...they always asked me: "are you from the Forums?"
I thought that this must be a cool site for fans because they ask me the same question everyday.
Then i went to Oddworld.com and found the link for the Forums, i clicked on it and looked a bit what the people write in it.

I thought:-"No....it's nothing for me..my english is too lousy (this time i called TheBigBrother and the BlueScrab called Judy in the OddChat)
A few months later i thought that i can read again what they write in it because it was more interesting for me then...then i went away again. A day later i decided to go to the Forums.

And voila....i'm here and write the biggest crap of the whole world everyday

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08-23-2001, 04:53 PM
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Early in the last year, I bought Abe's Exoddus, and when I saw the message "comming soon, munch's Oddysee", I eagerly went to the internet seraching for news about Oddworld next game, just to find out that my two favorite games was part of a whole QUINTOLOGY.

Eventualy, I came across Oddworldian site, in March 2000, and found the forums. For a few months I follow the topics without posting anything, because I felt my english was not too good.

One day I decided to post my first topic (it was about HAND OF ODD) and the folks here were very kind to me(it happened in the mid-november, 2000). Since then, here I am, sharing my odd thoughts with you all.

May the Odd be with you...
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08-23-2001, 05:19 PM
Cool Paramite's Avatar
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And how did you become moderator?

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08-23-2001, 05:24 PM
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Mine is a story from the beginning. Back at the old, black, ancient GT forums I was known as skELUMton. My very first post (which was not too long before Abe's Exoddus came out) was asking what a Greeter looked like. I remember the likes of Niteowl, George T. Gimp and that's all.

Renovations made the forums a lot simpler to use, but usage went down. When the forums became the Infogrames forums, they went almost dead. I simply asked where everyone was, and they replied 'the Exoddus Forum'.

The place is a private Yahoo club and is still around today, though with not as much activity there. I still go, under the name of billy_squeek. I stayed for I don't know how long, but an argument between Sydney and I-can't-remember-who left the place in shock. Sydney started his own forums, I decided to take a look, and became a regular - Max the Meetle. My high knowledge of everything Odd gave me the nickname The Oddworld Dictionary.

Several transitions later, my name has stayed pretty similar, as it is now Max the Mug (someone fed me meat). I semi-regularly attend OddChat under the moniker of Worry Fish.

I haven't read the forums history topic. I can't say I noticed it. I'd like to have a goosey and see what it says about the amazingly early days before I joined. Is it in Off-Topic, I presume?

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08-23-2001, 05:33 PM
Outlaw Cutter
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freakyLA  (11)

Short story: I was on the German Oddworld site. Found a link to Oddworld.com. There I found a link to abebabe´s page. Then I got to the forums. I first didn´t know what it was (remember bad english) Then I get used to it and I knowed what it was. From there on I just posted
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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08-23-2001, 07:27 PM
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Well, I first came across this place around January. I got here via Oddworld.com, I believe. I have been an Oddworld fan for..ohh...3 or 4 years now? I really didn't do anything until May...(May 15th, to be exact) I joined not really thinking I'd post anything at all...but after just 2 posts I was hooked permanently.
-Black Dragon

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08-23-2001, 07:30 PM
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Well, after I got AO, I looked for Oddworld sites using excite. It was then that i found ODdworld's main site, which at the time didn't have any info about any characters or anything. When cristmas shopping, I bought AE. I then found the Oddworld Forums through the main Oddworld site, and after looking around for a short while, I decided to join on December the 31st 2000, new years eve.
Also, I had gotten as far as near the end of Feeco Depot in AE, before going to soulstorm brewrey, saving 210 muds.
- DH

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08-23-2001, 08:41 PM
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i remember when i found it. sal the mudokon told me to go to oddchat. then i registered at the ezboard forum as mr.slurg but never made any posts. then sal told me that it had been changed to a different location so i went and joined and got hooked (after about the first month).
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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08-24-2001, 05:36 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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I found the forums... Period.

I went to the Infogrames Oddworld forum (known then as the GT Forum) and there was a small amount of activity there, not much though. I announced I was going to make an Oddworld fan site, which was followed with an invitation to join a private, exclusive Oddworld club.

I had already set up Oddworldian Forums on an Ezboard before the arguments started but I didn't announce it on the front page of Oddworldian. The forums slowly started to hum.

I pretty much left the Private Club, but I'm still a member and will go back one day to see how things are. I have no hard feelings and as far as I can tell, these were the forgotten years.

This reply kind of merges with the "Oddworld History" thread, but I feel it's necesary as this is both the story of how I found the forums and how the forums came to be.

[ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: Sydney ]
The Glass Asylum

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08-24-2001, 10:33 AM
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My sister told me about it...

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08-24-2001, 08:57 PM
Capri Ream's Avatar
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I would vist the Oddworld site like five times a week, untill they went into that LLLOOONNNGGG overhall Naxos mentioned.

Several months later I came back and looked at all of the fan sites they had listed. Abe Babe's had a high rating so I checked it out.

Then a few weeks after that I found the forums. I went there and looked around. It looked interesting, but I couldn't join then because it was on the old boards and for some reason my internet service wouldn't let me on it.(Go Figure)

So a few months later, I came back here to read the fanfics since I couldn't post. Lo and behold the forums are on a new board, one that I can register too! So I joined around my birthday (A b-day present to meself) and that's it.
(Took a long time, huh?)

If there isn't choclate in Heaven, I AIN'T GOING!

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08-24-2001, 09:08 PM
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well it sounds like it took you a long timw capri. glad you waited.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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