@scrabface: I used mainly charcoal for the goat skull and oil pastels for the other one. I've been dabbling with oil paint since I just got them, and realize they're infinitely better than acrylics. But paintings definitely take much more patience.
I'm sorry Splat but it seems you enforce the rules too strictly here. Modern Art now is pretty much supposed to have no limits, and there is a fine/subjective line between tasteful nudity and pornographic art. I've seen stuff displayed that's way more obscene than the things you delete in the fan corner here. But that's just my opinion, you can just brush it off if you wish.
Oh and scrabface, do you use Adobe illustrator, Corel paint or some other program to make those last couple drawings? I've tried with digital art, but I'm not that great. Here's something I randomly assembled one day on my computer