(glares at Glowi)
We're tired of having hot girls posting pictures of themselves here. It's just to overwhelming for the eyes. You'd make a great actress...and a great female terminator, too, Glowi.
You see the fact is ever since Glowi put that spell on me on Vulcher's forum, I can't lie to her anymore. And if you don't believe
me, Glowi, ask me one thing you'd think I'd normally lie about.
Just don't ask me my least favorite question: "Alright, Spirrow, how about a few weeks ago when some jerk showed up on Vulcher's forum as me and started making me look like a big ass. Were you telling me the truth about not doing it, or were you just to to cheap to admit and apologize?":
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?
Last edited by Spirrow; 05-06-2007 at 05:37 AM..