I promised myself I wouldn't touch the immigration thing, but I'm fed up.
People are marching in the streets in LA for rights for illegal immigrants and increased immigration. However, it looks like they're getting a bit afraid. My Way News (
link) reported that the turnout is lower than before.
It makes no sense at all to me about these immigration laws. Immigrants break the law, and people are
supporting them for it? That's total bullshit. Sure, they want their families to join them in the US, but can't have some ****ing patience and fill out the paperwork? Screw them if they aren't allowed still, if the government decides they shouldn't be let in, I say that's a good enough reason. The total lack of regard for government is what's turning the US into a total hellhole in the cities.
One of the most retarded reasons they're doing this is summed up in this quote from My Way News:
"We are not criminals," said Roberto Organo, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who said he has lived in the U.S. for 15 years. "We are looking for work to support our families. It's OK for government to enforce the law but they have to give us a chance."
Oh really? Give you a chance? Oh sure, come on in, you're allowed if you make it past Border Patrol. We only take the ones who can't have some ****ing sense. If you wanted to support your families, you'd try to get a better job, not steal over into another country and work illegaly.
I understand the whole 'anything for your family' argument. Yes, they are desperate. Yes, they need the money. Yes, their country is probably one of the worst places to live in, unless you're an official. But that dosen't mean you have to come here and then protest for more of the same poor, desperate people to flood in.
This probably looks like a total rant on immigration problems, and I am well aware of the exceptions to my selfish stereotyping of poor people who just want to jump into the country and 'live the American Dream'. (which, by the way, ended about around the time people stopped using tommy guns in New York)
It just blows my mind that people want to give lawbreakers an easier time of it, and are totally not looking toward the future. I've lived in California, so I've seen the type of immigrants that are coming from Mexico. Virtually all the Mexicans were part of a wannabe school gang, and were regularly harrasing classes, students, and vandalizing school property. Other immigrant-born children weren't much better.
I'm all for immigration, but not on this kind of scale and stupidity. Rules were created to make order, not put people down like stupid people think.
I have no doubt I will be shot down for this, and I invite the critisim. Go ahead and call me an arrogant, whiny, brain-washed little 15-year-old who dosen't have the expirience to know whats good for the world. I'll argue right back, and hopefully this won't get closed too quickly before I can show you why I think what I think.