Welcome... it seems that 4 years ago you were not the talkative type! Let's try and get off that point now. It's been made. By three or four people. Damn, short sentences. I'm off before I lose all concentration.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.
Paramite of War, imagine if you'd have posted through all those years... You could have at least 2000 posts and would have been a popular like Used etc.
Anyways, welcome back and all...
Good to meet you, glad to have you on the forums. Not like I have been here much longer than you have. But still good to have you here. Im Taylor, now who are you and tell us something about yourself.
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian
I love my girlfriend, Amy more than alot.
I love my family.
I love my music