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02-12-2007, 06:29 AM
Satch's Avatar
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whats your favorite part of any OWI game?

AO: hard to say, but scrabania, and the return to the stock yards are my favorites

AE: lots of awesome places in this game, so its really hard to choose.. i guess the slig barracks and boneworkz would be up there.. even thought the secret levels in all of necrum and the vaults just rock

MO: when you start seeing big bro sligs, the game really picked up for me. any point beyond big bro's would have to be my favorite of that game

sadly, i havnt gotten the chance to play strangers wrath yet. btw, is it true that they scrapped SW for the ps2? i coulda sworn i saw a copy of it around the time it came out, but i wasnt paying a lot of attention, so i could be mistaken..
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02-12-2007, 07:33 AM
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AE=the end of the Slig Barracks, because you can possess Gen. Dripik

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02-12-2007, 07:34 AM
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Cool thread!

AO: Hm... A mixture between the Monsaic Lines and Scrabania I'd say.
The Monsaic Lines because of the beautiful shades of green. And I like seeing all those chanting Mudokons and getting them stung by bees!

AE: Uh... I hate it when the wildlife ends on this game. I love Necrum because of the desert-like stuff and all that orange, eerie mist.

MO: The brewery to be level, I love making those Scrabs chase the Slig, and I love it when they turn and growl and you, it's just hilariousness!

SW: I didn't like this as much as the old games, but I did like the Sleg hunter mission. It was really hard for me, but I enjoyed it!
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02-12-2007, 09:29 AM
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In AO: Scabania easly, possing srabs=fun fun fun fun!!!!

AE: I dont have it waaaaaaa

Mine would have to be in MO, "No muds land" Its the one before Splinterz.
I love possing a slig then shooting another slig then runing around the mine feild and then the other sligs run into the mines.
Also like level before Magag motors where where you do same thing.
I also like Meep herder village and doing stupid things to the meeps, like chucking them in the slog area and using the chuck-a-meep-to-hit-a-glukkon-glitch.

In SW: Wll I havent completed it yet and I didnt enjoy as much as the old games but, explosizes Mgee: fun. I love it in that mine cart, shooting the outlaws.

sadly, i havnt gotten the chance to play strangers wrath yet. btw, is it true that they scrapped SW for the ps2? i coulda sworn i saw a copy of it around the time it came out, but i wasnt paying a lot of attention, so i could be mistaken..
It was a mistake.

Last edited by moxco; 02-12-2007 at 09:39 AM..
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02-12-2007, 11:18 AM
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AO: I like to play the monsaic temples, just relaxing
AE: FeeCo Depot still is the best part for me
MO: Brewery to be, Scrabs are jst too fun
SW: Sekto's Dam, all the level is awesome

In AO: Scabania easly, possing srabs=fun fun fun fun!!!!
You can't posses scrabs in AO

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02-12-2007, 02:23 PM
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AO: Monsaic Lines, Scrabania or the stockyards. They are all just too cool.
AE: Definitely Necrum. It has that nice dark feel to it...
MO: I like almost all of the levels, but I like the Vyyker's Labs levels. They are so mysterious and intriguing.
SW: Sekto Springs. I love racing through there when it is about to fall apart. And with all of the upgrades to the cross-bow... Nice

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02-12-2007, 10:57 PM
Satch's Avatar
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i meant favorite in terms of fun factor :P

going along the lines of cool is really hard to say.. the first two Abe games are just so awesome.. the artwork and sound effects are bizare.. and amazing.. and awesome.. xDDD

favorite parts for coolness:

AO: still the return to the stockyard :P thats probly my favorite part of the game in every aspect. it just rocks. the first time you get there, its hard as hell. the music is cool. the scenery is cool. plus, seeing the same area set up in a completely different way is refreshing..

AE: SO. HARD. TO. CHOOSE.... the first time i got through Necrum, i think it gave me the biggest awesome feeling out of any of the games.. the different areas where your trapped with sleeping fleeches.. and being so afraid of them, kuz you still dont know much about them besides the fact that they CHASE YOU UP LEDGES.

my single favorite screen in the entirety of AE however, is in Boneworkz. its not too far before the boiler part. the first screen of the area has falling rocks. you need to avoid the rocks, and shut off the electricity. go one screen right, and theres more falling rocks and a mud sitting on the lowest platform right behind one of the rocks. go one screen right and two down, and you have something incredibly unique.. the screen's zoomed out quite a bit, and abes standing on a platform at the top left. to the right is a longer platform with three muds and a pulley to the right of it. just look below you.. and behind you and think about what kind of place theyr in.. its a hell hole with slaves, torture, robotic pants, guns, shrykull, etc. and all you see below this strange facility is a hell of a lot of sand, and these large beams just risnig out of it with sand and cacti going on for miles in the background..

its just something about the combination of the scenery, the sound of the muds scrubbing, and the almost-too-quiet background sounds.. its scenes like that which always made me wish i lived in oddworld when i was younger.


MO: hard to say, as ive only beaten the game twice now.. No Muds Land was pretty cool, i guess.. though, MO cant touch AE or AO in an artistic sense in its wildest dreams. thats my opinion, anyway <,<
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02-13-2007, 01:05 AM
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That’s not sand. Those are slag heaps of powdered Mudokon bones. And that’s not a cactus, it’s a pile of SoulStorm Brew bottles. Peaceful as the scene may be, it’s filled with disturbing images.

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02-13-2007, 06:04 AM
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Argh Satch, I've got an urge to play Bonewerkz now!
I love that part of the level, and I love it when Abe farts on that pulley, and all the Mudokons walk right to the edge of it and nearly jump.
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02-13-2007, 02:00 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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i meant favorite in terms of fun factor :P
But it IS fun to play a part that is cool looking/feeling, because it is visually appealing and allows you to more thouroghly enjoy the entire experience, as well as just playing the level.

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02-13-2007, 03:08 PM
Satch's Avatar
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i dont recall any brew bottles on that screen, though i could be mistaken.. its been quite a while since ive been there

@arxryl; i guess thats a pesonal preference. its definitly more enjoyable to play in areas you think are cooler, but i find myself enjoying other parts of the game than my favorite in terms of coolness.
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02-13-2007, 03:41 PM
Paramite of War's Avatar
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I like the last level of MO. I love possecing everyone and just killing


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02-13-2007, 04:26 PM
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My favorite outdoor environments are Scrabania, Paramonia, and Necrum. Scrabania I love just because I have always been fond of deserts scenes and I also like the music. I love Paramonia for it's huge pine treesness and the entire complex of woodwork on which you advance to the Temple. I really like Necrum for its huge use of orange and also the creepy ambience of the tall leaning palm trees and the Mudokon graves everywhere. The music in that level heightens the creepiness very well.

My favorite industrial places are FeeCo Depot, Soulstorm Brewery, and the CEO offices. I like FeeCo because I dig anything steampunk and I also love the area where you just see this infinate expanse of shipping crates. Baggage Claim is also always fun. I love Soulstorm Brewery because of it's theme of brew barrels everywhere especially the brew vats just hanging there in such a surreal manner. I also like the shaman areas because of the ambience of how strangely homelike they are. The music is also very nice. As for the CEO offices, I guess just becuase they always send my mind stempeding off wondering about what kinds of functions they could possibly be performing in there.
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02-13-2007, 09:05 PM
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In Abe's Oddysee, before I played it for the second time, I thought Scrabania was the coolest. But after I re-bought the game, I noticed how awesome Paramonia is. In terms of fun, though, Scrabania takes the cake. It also scares the crap out of me.
My favourite part in Munch's Oddysee... Well, I'm not really sure when in the game it is. It's when there are Big Bro Sligs on platforms guarding a large path lined with explosives, where you have to drink expresso to pass through quick enough. I found that incredibly fun. But to tell you the truth, most parts of Munch's Oddysee just frustrated me for a while. When i'm trying not to look at walkthroughs and there is only one Mudokun left to save... I can never find him! Bleh.
In Stranger's Wrath, my favourite would have to be just after the de-pantsing, when you're running through the town dodging bullets and going through Clakkerz houses. That part is just brilliant.

I've never played the full version of Abe's Exoddus. That makes me sad, because it's the only Oddworld game I don't have and it costs $60 to get a trustworthy PAL copy from Ebay.
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02-13-2007, 10:32 PM
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You can get AE really cheap from Amazon too, and I usually find them more reliable than eBay. $60 for AE? It looks like someone's trying to skank someone out of some money.
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02-14-2007, 01:06 PM
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AO: The wildlife area. It's so challenging and fun.
AE: Slig Barracks. So many sligs, and theres crawling sligs too!
MO: Dead River. I love having battles, and that level had a bunch of enemies!
SW: I never really had a favorite part, I didn't like it that much ... I thinks thats the reason why.
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02-17-2007, 01:55 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Most of my favourite parts aren't in the games, in the sense that, they aren't really corporeal, they're more feelings. But my favourite level in Abe's Oddysee would have to be the Free-Fire Zone. In my opinion, it's the environment that really embodies what the true Oddworld is like -- dark, lonely, and mysterious.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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02-28-2007, 05:07 AM
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In any of the games, any movie part. I completley adore and love the movies parts, and of course we all do.

Well, for gameplaying its so hard to choose. And after saying my first thing I'm begining to wonder how wonderous an Oddworld movie would be, but I will save that for a later disscussion.
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03-01-2007, 10:15 AM
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I love the Vykkers Labs, especially Fuzzle Testing, Fluoride Tanks, Snoozie Lab, The Loading Dock, Labour Egg Storage and Vykker Suites. I have to agree with Skillya, I think the Free Fire Zone in Abe1 does show the true Oddworld.
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03-07-2007, 06:54 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
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If I HAD to choose...

AO: Monsaic Lines for sure. I like the atmosphere of it- it's the first time in the game you go from industrial to wilderness and it's like getting a breath of fresh air.

AE: Hmm... Probably Necrum. Their use of colors and background music really sets the mood- whenever I play it I always get edgy; like I'm really walking through an ancient and sacred ground where I can feel someone- or something- watching me...

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to play Munch's Oddesey or the fourth one. I'm still stuck with a regular Playstation and no time to play.

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03-08-2007, 09:26 AM
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AO: I Like very much Paramonia, Paramite power.

AE: I Like when you chant and have control of Scrabs and Paramites

Abe Munch's Oddysee: Coming Soon!

Stranger Wrath: Coming Soon!
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03-09-2007, 12:12 PM
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If I HAD to choose...

AO: Monsaic Lines for sure. I like the atmosphere of it- it's the first time in the game you go from industrial to wilderness and it's like getting a breath of fresh air.

AE: Hmm... Probably Necrum. Their use of colors and background music really sets the mood- whenever I play it I always get edgy; like I'm really walking through an ancient and sacred ground where I can feel someone- or something- watching me...

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to play Munch's Oddesey or the fourth one. I'm still stuck with a regular Playstation and no time to play.
Necrum scared the living shit out of me the first time I played it, because of the atmosphere. I felt like someone was watching me. Like from behind me. Gotta love the music, though. I find it a little creepy, though. I love Necrum. It is really good, and has a really powerful atmosphere.
I also love the slig barracks and BoneWerks.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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03-10-2007, 06:53 AM
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AO: Probably Paramonia, because I like Paramites and the area just looks nice in general.

AE: Slig Barracks and Mudomo Vaults. These levels are just perfect in every way.

MO: Any level that is located outside.

SW: Hmm... I would have to say New Yolk City, the battles there are the most enjoyable.
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03-10-2007, 10:46 AM
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Exoddus, i like very much when you possess a Glukkon

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03-28-2007, 07:12 AM
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The best part, definitely is when Stranger's pants get taken off and Sekto's Bounty Hunter finds out he is a Steef Head... And then when he falls and get's up again and says: "So now you know the truth, but you won't live to tell the tale...". I'm even getting goosebumps while writing this, and it's my signature!
- So now you know the truth, but you won't live to tell the tale... -

My Oddworld Art!

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03-28-2007, 02:29 PM
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*tries to get a mental image of someone taking off their pants to reveal that they're a head*
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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03-30-2007, 12:28 PM
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AO: the part when you have to get to the boardroom.
AE:When you are in sligbarracks
MO: When you first start the game as munch.
SW: Havent played it yet
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04-01-2007, 08:26 PM
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Played it! (SW) when you beat up the townsfolk
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04-02-2007, 09:55 AM
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That was quite fast...
Anyway please don't dubble post, you could edit your previous post.

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04-02-2007, 09:07 PM
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Sorry! Im new, also sorry bout the spam thing, i was tired last night.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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