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02-25-2007, 09:30 AM
LawgSkrak's Avatar
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So..no more Oddworld games then?

What does this mean? This franchise is dead? Movies are great and all but I want more games, dammit!!
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02-25-2007, 09:45 AM
moxco's Avatar
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Well Lorne might decide to work on games after the movie.
After all he has only made 3 games out of the quintology that he promised us.
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02-25-2007, 10:02 AM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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I don't think he'll be working on games again. He's shown us his side of being...uh, a bit inconsistent, and I don't know if we'll ever see the end of the Quintology. I guess it'll be movies from now on.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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02-25-2007, 10:04 AM
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Is strangers wrath one of them? I know AE isnt.
Anyways the movies ant even going to be oddworld movies.
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02-25-2007, 10:06 AM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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No, Stranger's Wrath isn't. Only the Oddysee games.

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02-25-2007, 12:30 PM
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well like I said, he will go back to Oddworld after CS (except maybe if it's a thundering succes) and when he is doing the films, the games will come at the same time, at least that's how I see the future

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02-25-2007, 12:39 PM
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Abe's Oddysee is the first of the quintology, and Abe's Exoddus is the bonus game. Munch's Oddysee is the second in the quintology.
Stranger's Wrath is just a game on its own.
I'm still waiting for Munch's Exoddus, Hand of Odd, and Squeek's Oddysee after Citizen Siege.
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02-26-2007, 03:07 AM
Xx_Abe_xX's Avatar
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Can someone tell me what citezen siege is? Because I hear it all the time but never bothered to know.....
/b/ is the random category on 4chan. The place where all bad things come from. Especially Hitler.

Happy Birthday, Cunt.

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02-26-2007, 04:24 AM
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Use the search feature. You will discover many things.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-27-2007, 03:01 PM
ziggy's Avatar
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Abe's Oddysee is the first of the quintology, and Abe's Exoddus is the bonus game. Munch's Oddysee is the second in the quintology.
Stranger's Wrath is just a game on its own.
I'm still waiting for Munch's Exoddus, Hand of Odd, and Squeek's Oddysee after Citizen Siege.
ahhh.. I wish they would make a Munch's Exoddus to redeem the first Munch game. And I might sound retarded but I know that Stranger's wrath isn't in the quintology, but why is it classified as that? It makes it seem less important than the other games. Is it a part of some Oddworld side-series that was never finished?
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02-28-2007, 12:16 AM
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It was just a break out of the initial story, I guess the inhabitants wanted to have some fun.
I don't think it's more then one guy's story.

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02-28-2007, 04:56 AM
Taytay's Avatar
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What? No more games? Only movies? Well, maybe we can find his address and every single one of us can send him a letter saying either oddworld games or oddworld movies at least, and that way we may succeed.

But at least we know the movies will be good, and we know they will because of the wonderful job they did on oddworld.
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian
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I love my music

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02-28-2007, 06:02 AM
snuzi's Avatar
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Even if we did all send letters, what would be the point? Lorne obviously wants to delve into that medium, and if it's successful, it will be result in Oddworld movies being made in the future, so why stop him? I personally think he'll do a great job.

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02-28-2007, 06:53 AM
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It'll just slow him down in making CS if we send him tons of letters. Let's just leave him and Sherry in peace, and then we can enjoy more Oddworld in the future!
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02-28-2007, 10:44 AM
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I have total faith in Lorne, he realy seems to know what he is doing.

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03-01-2007, 01:25 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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I would say that Lorne is moving his career into films and that is so cool!


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03-06-2007, 02:23 PM
glokstar's Avatar
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Well personally I think if OW would die, I would die too... Thats all I wanted to say.
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03-06-2007, 05:23 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Well, I hate to break the news to you, but Oddworld aren’t going to be around forever. No one’s saying that what they’ve done won’t be, though, at least in certain people’s hearts and minds.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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03-06-2007, 06:39 PM
Paramite of War's Avatar
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But Oddworld are my favorite


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03-07-2007, 12:12 PM
glokstar's Avatar
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Well, I hate to break the news to you, but Oddworld aren’t going to be around forever. No one’s saying that what they’ve done won’t be, though, at least in certain people’s hearts and minds.
I know, I know... I just want them to keep their promise and finish the Quintology. Than I can die in peace...
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03-07-2007, 05:43 PM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
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Unless you get assassinated by someone...eh, scratch that, that's awful . If the Oddworld series died, I would punch the first person I see. *Looks in mirror* and that means you too, self!
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03-09-2007, 10:16 AM
moxco's Avatar
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Abe's Oddysee is the first of the quintology, and Abe's Exoddus is the bonus game. Munch's Oddysee is the second in the quintology.
Stranger's Wrath is just a game on its own.
I'm still waiting for Munch's Exoddus, Hand of Odd, and Squeek's Oddysee after Citizen Siege.
Then I dont think ME will be in quintology, it'll be a bonus like AE.
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03-09-2007, 12:24 PM
glokstar's Avatar
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Im sorry but: daaaaa!! No way really????
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