Sligs, came from the swapy areas of Oddworld, as did the glukkons, but the sligs had mechanical pants thrown on them. Since their faces were so hideous, and nobody would want to work a face that hideous, they were also given their mask, and to do their job a gun. Paramites are not from swaps, as far as I know so I dont think they could be related. I'm to lazy to go check paramites in The Art of Oddworld Book for Paramites right now, I'd have to end this pose with paramites aren't from the swaps and sligs are.
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian 
I love my girlfriend, Amy more than alot.
I love my family.
I love my music
Last edited by Taytay; 02-11-2007 at 08:06 AM..
: cut off to short