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02-03-2007, 09:03 AM
ZERO101's Avatar
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IC: zero was siting at the table and had asked (phill) something and was waiting on him and said "Hello duz any one in the cafeteria like to sit and talk to me?" *looks around*.
02-03-2007, 09:29 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
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ooc: No problem splat.

ic: "While I might get a job. I, just talked Arnie, and he told me to go wait in the grinding area. And i don't know where that is. So, i thought I would ask you, because we're both mudokon and we both have darker skin than most mudokons." Ark replied hurriedly, put off some what by Dionysia's tone.
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.

Last edited by arkaznor; 02-03-2007 at 11:14 AM.. : spelling
02-03-2007, 10:31 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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OOC: Phew, sorry I've been gone again. I see the posting has accelaretd again.
Dek came out of his reverie in time to see the rather gorey spectacle of the operation. He could stomach it, no problem. He hoped.
"Oh yes, Praetyre, move Molt by all means. I totally went into a world of my own there, I must be tired. You 2 wrap up this operation if you don't need me. I've have a nap, wake me if you need anything."
And with that, the rather overworked Vykker walked off into the sleeping quarters of the lab, plonked himself on a bed, and shut his eyes. Think rest. Think sleep. I need a good sleep. Let's try that Meep counting trick.
1 Meep, 2 Meep, 3 Meep, 4 Meep, Oh I can't be bothered!

Arthur realised the Chronicler had answered. "Tonight? Oh, sure. I'd rather get it doen in the morning, to make sure we don't uh, overlook any details, but the earlier the better. Tonight's fine, see ya in a few hours then!"
Arthur hung up the Forn and turned to Jade.
"Hey, we got it up an' running! The Chronicler said he'll be here tonight to sort it all out. In as few short hours, I'll be a Businessslig an' you'll be my chief assistant!"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

02-03-2007, 01:01 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
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Praetyre looked at the monitors again. Most things were well, but the phrenological readings from Stuey were alarming.
"Slap, the marrow in Stuey's skull is reacting with the humidity and increasing in density. It might give him some breathing problems. Should I up the air conditioning to Factor 6?"
Praetyre put on his helmet, setting it to a surgical filter mode. It's unlikely he could infect either Slig behind the monitor shield, but best not to take chances.
"Also, our superior has told me to send Molt to a secure area. Since you apparently think it is quite urgent he be moved, we're in the middle of a tricky operation, and our superior is tired, who should we have do it?"
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

02-04-2007, 01:50 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Sturg heard a loud call from below to him. It was one of the Mudokons. He waited a moment as it echoed...no enemies seemed to stir, so he called back down "Jah" and continued to wait. He watched the water, slightly rippling under the slight breeze...
02-04-2007, 07:06 PM
ZERO101's Avatar
: Jan 2007
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ZERO101  (10)

OOC: so what? nobody wasts to talk to me?

IC: Zero was siting at the table with his head on the table, "I guess nobody wants to talk to me" said zero. "I will ask one more time, dose any body want to talk to me or eat with me at the cafeteria, I am all alone" *sigh*
02-05-2007, 08:18 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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OOC: Zero, your problems are:
A. You need to make longer, indepth posts. Try referring to the environment, your characters thoughts (such as his environment, those around him etc.), character movement etc.
B. Specifically interact with someone. Asking won't get you anywhere. read through the more recent pages and make your character go up and talk to someone, rather than waiting. Yelling a specific name would be an option, but unrealistic at this stage as your character doesn't know anyone else's names yet. Read through the past few pages, see someone who's in the cafeteria, go up to them and talk to them. Since you presumably wouldn't know their names, refer to species and distuingishing features (i.e. Zero walked up to a Steef, a large male, with a broken horn. he was black in colour. Zero said...) etc. etc.
02-05-2007, 01:10 PM
ZERO101's Avatar
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ZERO101  (10)

ok I am done
02-06-2007, 09:55 AM
sligger's Avatar
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ooc: maybe ill just quit, i am a very bad rpger so ill just give up. im sorry for wasting your guys' time.
02-08-2007, 12:23 PM
IloveHammy!'s Avatar
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Post Just look'n around...

ooc:sligger and ZERO101-Please don't leave!I know it's been a little tough and maybe boring for you guys so far but,if you stay,it'll get better.Until posting here,I had never RPGed before either.Just learn to make longer post's and give your characters some LIFE by having them to think,talk and walk(if even to themselves!).I don't want you guys to go.Rupture Farms will be a much better place to work if you stay!

ic:*Shickwayla and Opple ran out of the R+R trying their best not to look suspious.They hoped to find someone to tell them where to start work.*

Opple:"It's a good thing no one really knows my name yet.'Cause if they did,they would blame all the Opple sented stuff on me!I didn't really mean to spray it THAT strong!"
Shickwayla:"If we're lucky,no one will notice.Beisdes,it's not that big of a deal anyway.Before we sprayed that freshener,it smelled horrible,now,it smell's wellll...interesting."*She gave an evil smile to Opple.*
Opple:"Yeeah.Okay-*turns her head to a door with Arnies name on it*-we may be able to find out some info on where to start work in here.Hopefully."*Knocks on the door a couple of times.*

ooc:Is there some one in Arnie's office all of the time,just in case he's not available?If not,who can I talk to so as to see where to start working???
Watch this video and see what I think about all you have said to hurt me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2zSNOWpI9s

02-08-2007, 09:48 PM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
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OOC: I've just begun to join in, so apologies if it's not up to standards.

IC: Goshhe waited impatiantely beside the rails at the FeeCo Train Depot. His train was due over an hour ago, so he had no idea what the delay was. The departure area for those for RuptureFarms seemed almost completely empty. There was only a slig security (who looked at Goshhe as if he was scum), some slig engineers and Goshhe, so it was as if RuptureFarms had shut down again, and they were preparing to close down the factory's train departure area. 'Come on, you damn train, I've been waiting hours.' Goshhe thought to himself. *Goshhe leaned over the rails to see if there was any sign of a train coming*. No train. Suddenly, Gosshhe heard the sound of a moving train, and heard it's horn, and he looked past the rails, getting ready to board it. No train passed. It can't have been his. He was getting bored stiff now, and about half an hour later, he was fast asleep on the pavement. He suddenly felt the pain of a stubby iron leg kicking him in the ribs, and he awoke to find a slig engineer waking him up, although, Goshhe would rather not be woken up in such violent ways. The train had arrived, and the security slig pushed him onto the train's interior yelling, "Get on already, you hesitant fool!". Goshhe was about to reply, but the doors had closed, and the train was departing.
*Goshhe looks around on the train.* He saw the security slig that had pushed him into the train's cabin. He caught a glimpsse of the slig's serial number: #0012.

>>RuptureFarms-train departure area<<
Goshhe stepped off the train, collected his luggage, then made his way for... where did he have to go? He had no idea where the main manager's office was, or who the main boss was.

OOC: I know that Goshhe needs to see Arnie, I just want to portray his feelings.

IC:Goshhe made through the door, and curled up on the floor in a corner where no-one would see him. He thought; 'Why did I come for this job in the first place? I don't want to lose my finger in a meat saw or something. I want all four of my fingers! Then again, They probably wouldn't be that careless to have the meatsaws placed anywhere.' Goshhe's thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream of anger, then a kick in the ribs. "Ow! What'd you do that for?"
"Do you want the job or not, mudokon?"
"Then go see Arnie, you mindless filth!"
"Who are you?"
"Serial number #0012. Now go see Arnie, or I'll see that he sees you about your laziness as to curl up using a RuptureFarms zulag for shelter, you hobo!"
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Goshhe asked in an angry tone. *#0012 brought his automatic-shotgun down onto Goshhe's head*. Goshhe let out a scream of pain. #0012 grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and began to drag him to Arnie's office...
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

Last edited by OddjobAbe; 02-11-2007 at 03:57 AM..
02-09-2007, 06:57 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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ooc: OJA, there are no random characters in this RPG. So this slig doesn not exist, only characters created by players are here. There aren't any random sligs/mudokons/anything in the factory.

The people in charge are all Dripik's characters; Arnie, Otto and #7 Slig. But Dripik hasn't posted in ages so I don't know if its worth waiting for him. You might want your people just to head over to the main grinders and see what needs doing or something.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

02-09-2007, 07:19 AM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
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ooc: OJA, there are no random characters in this RPG. So this slig doesn not exist, only characters created by players are here. There aren't any random sligs/mudokons/anything in the factory.

The people in charge are all Dripik's characters; Arnie, Otto and #7 Slig. But Dripik hasn't posted in ages so I don't know if its worth waiting for him. You might want your people just to head over to the main grinders and see what needs doing or something.
OOC: I'm sorry, I knew there was something else I needed to put in. The 'security slig' in the FeeCo Train Depot with Goshhe was #0012, who in fact came aboard the train with Goshhe to work at RuptureFarms after being sent off from the barracks. I intended to explain later that #0012 just 'made himself' a security of RuptureFarms, as he believed that if he could blend in, nobody would notice. If you wish, I could edit the post so it makes more sense.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

02-09-2007, 08:30 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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That would be good. Also remember the Boss, Arnie, is against sligs beating mudokons.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

02-09-2007, 10:15 AM
dripik's Avatar
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Arnie and Otto were wandering on the ground level for some time. Then, Arnie halted. "Uh, where are going again?" he asked Otto.

Otto stopped too. "To inspect different areas of the factory, to see if everything's in order and to show our support to the workers."

"Oh yeah. I was a bit faded for a bit."

"I noticed, since we were going around this level for minutes. See this door here?" Otto inclined his head towards Rick's workshop. "This is the third time we went past it."

"My bad. I just got a bit confused. Let's go to the Grinding Station and check things out." said Arnie. So, they set off.

"Oh, this place looks OK." said Arnie, impressed. They arrived to the Grinding Station. They saw some of the Mudokons, who were standing near the grinders, pulling levers and cleaning up chunks of meat.


Rick lowered the pipe a bit, seeing as Goresplatter had other concerns than making sure he doesn't escape. The Slig sat down in a corner and mumbled to himself.

Rick looked at RG-49, who was still standing in the middle of the corridor. He took a few careful steps towards him, to see if Goresplatter noticed. Then he ran to RG-49. "Hey, RG are you OK?" There was no response.

Rick remembered how he activated RG in the first place. He slapped the robot's shoulder and waited for the effect. RG's eyes didn't lit up this time, of course, but he made a few tentative movements. He was waiting for further voices. Rick noticed this, so he spoke. "Good to see you're OK..." But he couldn't finish because RG was waiting for this moment, and seized Rick by the throat.

"It was unwise to make a sound, organic. I can't see you, but my aural sensors are still working, I can hear you." said RG-49.

Rick was turning blue under the pressure RG applied to his throat. "I... not... release me!" he spluttered.

RG processed data for a moment, and released Rick, dropping him on the floor. "It wasn't you who attacked me."

Rick coughed hard, and looked at the robot angrily. "Pure genius! I could have told you that."

"I can recall an image of a Slig's fist before my visual sensors, so it couldn't have been a Mudokon." said RG, looking around, which was rather useless, since he couldn't see anything.

02-09-2007, 12:15 PM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore had had his face buried in his hands. As he moved to rest his head on his hands, propped up by his elbows, however, he noticed two things. One, the Mudokon had run to the robot. Two, the robot was moving slightly. He began to worry a little. He'd let his guard down - even as he realised, he pinched himself on his sore flesh in self punishment. He still had his gun with him, however. He didn't want to gun both down, but he didn't want to be grinded by a robot either. He slung his gun, as quietly as he could. Then, putting his organic legs to work, he climbed silently into the piping, moved over the piping along the wall, and decided to watch the situation unravel from there.
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02-09-2007, 12:39 PM
Acopperredhairdfreak's Avatar
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Marv were looking around the Cafeteria. Nothing interessting. Marv yawned and a great boredom had now evolved within him. He then stood up from the bench and walked towards to grinding station. He hoped maybe he would se a clumsy Mudokun fall in one of the grinders.

He rememberd back in the old days when he worked at Rupture Farms. Seing a mudokun geting ripped schreds by schreds by the grinder for the first time wasn't so much to him, and it where also a bit to much for his stomach to handle. But after a while, he got used to it. He then started to enjoy it. He would many times be with the the other executives by the Grinding station and disscus buissnes, while watching some of the clumsy Mudokuns fall into a grinder.

For some reasone it wasn't just for the pleasure he enjoyed to watch such a gruesome scen, as many Glukkons do. He also feelt calm for some reasone. It felt as producktion were then going forward. Marv has never himself understod why he felt so.

But Marv never bothered thinking much about it. It's not as if he's complaining.

When Marv came to the Grinding station, he saw two Glukkons watching the Mudokuns that were by the grinders. He walked over to the two Glukkons and said "Hello! Have i missed anything?" in a cheerful voice.

OOC: Sorry for the bad spelling.

Last edited by Acopperredhairdfreak; 02-09-2007 at 12:46 PM..
02-09-2007, 01:28 PM
Psyke's Avatar
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OOC: Arnie it would be nice if you could answer roid anytime soon you know ? :P. with slig#7 i mean
02-09-2007, 05:32 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
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Isaac, Joel, and Anthony were pleasently grinding up their 8th Scrab fluently, when Isaac got glance of the two Glukkons watching them from a distance. It was strange to see Glukkons in these areas, since Glukkons were not normally overseeing activity of Mudokons, but Sligs rather. Isaac was trained to absolutely not to stop working when saw by a Glukkon. They were to retain their progress in production. Isaac remained in what he was doing, not telling his brothers of the Glukkons. He rather not attract attention to them. He wished not to caught doing something wrong, since he feared of the worst.

But curiousity flowed within him. Isaac wanted to find out more about the facility. Like the what his schedule was, or what regulations were around here. Was he allowed to open his mouth to other employees? Could he clean up messes more often than grinding? Were there any standards for Mudokon employees? All of this was rolling in his mind. But still, he dared not to open his mouth, for he felt 'safe than sorry' was an important moral to him.

Gappiqu had finally gotten closer into the building, with thoughts of how was he suppose to even get in. He didn't feel being saw that he was placing a gun on a Vykker's back is the greatest idea, nor was it to ditch the whole thing at the last minute. He needed to find an answer and fast. He didn't want to be seen at a personal moment, but wanted to prove something to Dr. Krik as well. How can that be done?

Gappiqu thought of this as he approuched the building. Suddenly, he came up with a pretty good plan. He could tell anyone who was suspiscious that this Vykker was had a strong mental issue, where he was unable to control himself at times and needed assistance around the place. He needed to protect the Vykker from any sudden bursts of insane panic attacks, by loading the gun with sedates. The Vykker probably would be needed to get around the factory, so he could serve as a pretend nurse. Embrassing to Slig kind, but it was needed in this kind of sitution.

After getting past the gates, Gappiqu had led the Vykker into Rupture Farms. Getting back into Rupture Farms was pretty long, but completely necessary for Gappiqu. He brought himself down to thinking after getting in. After all, how was he going to get to see Dionysia? Maybe she was in the places she normally would be. Gappiqu closed his eyes and processed the places she might be. Maybe one of the Train Stations, the Cafeteria, the R+R, or the Grinder Station was a likely choice. Either one would make sense. He would have to go in order. Since the Cafeteria was just right by, it would make sense to go in there first.

Gappiqu turned and brought his gun to push Krik to let him notice that they were going into the cafeteria. He grumbled in an audible voice, "Dionysia is possibly in that section of Rupture Farms. She probably is bugging some Slig in there if I know her well, or having a bite." He waited for Krik to walk in before him, since he was leading him in front of him.

Molt's systems brought itself to start functioning normally again, but Molt felt awful. He felt as if he was going through a hangover, except worse. His heart didn't feel right, his breaths irregular and hard to accomplish, and he felt sore all over. "What kind of sick depressant did those so called doctors give me?" were the only thoughts in Molt's head when he slowly got on his two arms. His only organic eye was not in the mood for looking, so he used his mechincal eye to look at his surroundings. The bright light stunned the other, but this eye was more useful. He was able to see that he hadn't been moved since he fell into an unconsciousness state of mind, so he figured nothing happened to him. His surroundings also told him something else. There was no dark Mudokon to tease, no robot, no Vykker, and no Intern that was keeping watch of him. The place looked like it was empty.

As Molt processed what was happening, he could remember this hang over feeling again. It happened like every other limp loss, where his body was not recovering from the shock of nearly fatal injury very well. His body would slow down, his breathing rate would slow down, and he would have a hard time remembering things. This happened several times at Slurg Barns 11, for he remembered the time when he had suffered from a half arm loss and when he awakened after he was possessed. More memories came back, such as his little adventure with Goresplatter and Gappiqu, his annoying conversations with that Intern, and how he pissed off Kilsa. So much fun, yet bad consquences for him. If only he could get back on the right foot now.

Molt moved around the Labortory, eager to find some kind of pants that he could use. Trying to make as little noise as possible, he noted the strange whimpering coming somewhere in the Labortory. Traveling further into the Labortory, he regonized the whimpering from the little critters he use to watch over in Slurg Barns 11. Yet he couldn't tell what it was. His hearing was pretty bad, since explosions on your shoulder is pretty loud. He felt like the ringing was still ringing. All could he hear was whimpering.

He found his old pants by the place he was operated on yesterday. He lifted his body up into the pants, using one arm to push upward and the other to swing into it. Tucking his tail into the pants, he brought himself to the normal Slig level. He caught glance of things in this view, such as the two Fuzzles by the sleeping Vykker. This was a prank waiting to happen, but Molt decided he would rather get out of this (bleeped out by your personal moderation team) up place, than get stuck in a cage again. Molt ignored the Vykker, and resisted to make noise.

On his way out of the place, he grabbed a bunch of medication he might have needed. He didn't read the labels, he just saw a bunch of medication by his pants. He figured it was for him, since it was near his pants. Sneaking them into his pants, he grabbed his confiscated ethyl alcohol and cigarettes as well. Molt would later use those when he was on duty. Although, he wasn't planning to use them for a while, since he rarily drank or smoked when he was ill. Silentily making his way out, he grabbed an old fashion gun for his sake of security. He needed it for later as well. Molt was all prepared, and decided to face the world. He wasn't about to stay any longer for his sake of sanity. Not even his past self would enjoy being in the Labortory.

Still ill, Molt left the Labortory and went off to the office of Arnie's. He needed a job at least, since he wasn't sure of where he could fit in. Molt wasn't about to go off what he normally would plan to do, since that didn't work out very well last time. Moving slowly for sake of his sick body, he moved like any ol' Slig. Just because he was in metal, doesn't mean he couldn't move so smoothly. He took notice of his surroundings, and noted the hallways. He remembered them from yesterday, and they were just the same as always. Just a bunch of fanastic pieces of metal that reminded him of his true home. It may be angry, but that doesn't mean he doesn't stop to smell the flowers.

When he got to Arnie's office, he opened his second eye to see if he really was going crazy. He just encountered two female natives, which one was a Steef and the other was a Grubb. Molt cursed under his breath, wondering why on Odd would Arnie hire a bunch of sick river creatures. He could be making moolah off of them, but no! Arnie had to make a perfectly good opprunity go to waste. Stinkin' Arnie and his phlisophy. Molt looked at the two with his old fashion visor, luckily not expressing his anger in his eye.

Molt snorted and aggressively commented, "So, I guess you s***bags came here to go find another river to praise? Now before we get into a fight, I'm gonna tell ya to follow these rules. Consider what I say constructive critism, stay out of my business, and don't talk to me. If you follow my rules, you won't find yourself with bullet in your chest, don't have to see some Glukkon that is worse than myself, and you well have happy little lives. Got it?!? Now excuse me, I got ta find myself a job."

Molt slammed his mechincal fist against the door three times, not breaking it, but making an audible sound inside, and boomed, "Arnie, yer friend Molt will like to find a job!! Better say it, because I have been waiting since yesterday to figure that one out!!"

Slap had carefully pulled out Stuey's skull, while thinking about what Praetyre had said. Obviousily, he had rised two problems. And if they had been working for 10 minutes now on the operation, he would hate to see that rest of the operation. Slap carefully tried to conclude the right decisions for the operation, and typed down his response,
"The air conditioning factors will help Stuey, but not enough to keep his brain involutaryingly breathe. The measures we should take is to actually pressure air into Stuey's systems. That way, we won't have to shock his body to keep breathing. So, I will require the equipment necessary for that procedure. I hope I am not asking too much of you to collect two amounts of those pieces of machinery. If Stuey has these kinds of problems, Arrack has bound to have the rare and deadly cases of system failure. So, I need you to have Air Tubes for me, if you don't mind.

Now on the case of Molt. Alert Dek. He is needed to make sure this Slig will not end up interrupting the operation. Dek will know how to take care of him. I do not understand why he is sleeping anyway. He needs to keep track of the patients that are unconscious, to make sure they don't die accidently. So tell Dek to get Molt to be moved. That is all I ask. Afterwards, I will procede and while I wait, I will keep track of the Sligs' health."

02-09-2007, 08:17 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre listened to Slap, then replied;
"Sure, Slap. You just keep watch over those monitors and keep those Sligs stable and I'll be back with those Air Tubes quicker than you can say.. oh, sorry." he said, realizing he might of accidentally slighted Slap for his inability to speak. He then activated the minimonitor feature and rotated the small screen towards Slap, and then walked over to the door.

Praetyre unsealed the Lab Cages door, then walked outside and resealed it. He then walked over to the storage room, opening the door, scolding himself for not locking it again earlier, then looked around, eventually finding a couple of Air Tubes after several minutes of inspection. He then walked out with them and locked it, walking over to the unlocked sleeping quarters. He walked over to his superior, placed a gloved, metallic hand on his half asleep body, and shook him.
"Sir, I hate to interrupt your rest, but we need someone to move Molt to a secure area so he doesn't end up costing this department more than a buy-happy Glukkon on Expresso. Any suggestions? I've got to monitor Arrack and Stuey's operations, and Slap is performing them."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

02-09-2007, 11:00 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Hi everyone! Did ya miss me? Sorry for my long absence(sp?), I've been really busy in RL. But now you can probably see why I didn't want to bring back all three of my other characters; at least having only one not very important character that means I haven't really slowed down the RPG Anyway, let's get to work!


Matthew took a good look around, thinking of all the problems that needed to be solved. Well, there was a grinding process that needed to be finished as soon as possible. More Mudokons needed to be around. Then people needed to put together wooden planks together to form barrels. Another thing that was needed was someone needed to continue to clean up all ther messes around there. Matthew clarfied, "Well, Mudokons need to grind up meat around here quickly, so they can be sent to the Production Lines. Wooden planks need to be placed to together so they can be used in the Production Lines as well. We also need someone to clean up after our messes. You could be either one of those. I'm just sending barrels into the Production Lines. See?"

Ralph nodded, "Very well, I will assist with the grinding." He set to work immediately.

OOC: Now... there isn't really much more for me to say about that


After some time of repetitive grinding work, Ralph noticed two glukkons had just arrived in the grinding station. He turned to look at them, while still operating the grinder and recognised them as the same two he'd seen in the cafeteria. He was fairly certain the older one was the boss around here, but he had some difficulty trying to figure out what the second glukkon could possibly be here for...

02-10-2007, 02:11 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: And Shikwayla thought Dionysia was bad!
Look out Molt; they're femenists!

Sorry, I completely forgot about your post Ark, or I would have posted in character sooner.
Dionysia is near entrance to the cafeteria so Krik and Gappiqu will be running into her in this post.

The two mudokons heard Sturg's shout and hurried up the stairs, emerging into the room where the meech waited. Anni looked gleeful, "This is perfect! As soon as we get a hose from Kix and Dean we can set it all up!"
Jim glanced across the water to the broken pipe. "That pipe looks a bit jagged. You'd probably have to fix that up somehow with a new bit. Know anyone who could do that?"
Anni only gave it a little thought, "I don't know, sinse Nick left there hasn't really been a good mechanic here. We could ask Arnie who he thinks would be good." She suddenly remembered Jim's phobia, "Oh, I'm sorry, it'd probably have to be a slig. I don't think there are any mudokons who could do that kind of thing. Maybe you could go somewhere this Kix while they do it."
She looked a little unsure. Jim forced a slightly unconvincing half-smile onto his face. "It'll be fine. Anyway if we're going to get- sligs involved we should probably make sure they don't find Sturg or they'll all be trying to eat him."


Dionysia was rather pleased to see how easily she managed to intimidate this mud. Evidently seh hadn't lost her touch! This didn't quell her suspicions however, and she a little put down by the fact that she hadn't been meaning to intimidate this mudokon. He hadn't asked her to follow him yet so either he didn't trust her or he wasn't actually a genuine native. She decided, until further information could be gathered, to give him false drections and leave him to it.
"Ah, ok. Well it's simple, you go down this passage and up those lifts over there," She pointed towards the executing lifts, "and then you come out one floor up and turn left, then right, follow the passage round a bend and go through the door right ahead and you-"
She stopped suddenly when she saw Krik emerge from the direction of the entrance hall. She decided to seek his opinion ad called in a friendly voice, "Hey Sir, this mudokons says he got a job from Arnie but doesn't know the way to the grinders! I was just giving him directions!" Her eyes met with the vykkers and he flashed her an angry, panicked look. She looked concerned, "What's wrong?"

At which point Gappiqu came into view behind Krik. With the way they were standing she didn't see the gun in Gappiqu's hand, but their expressions said enough, "What's going on?" She asked, her voice rising.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

02-10-2007, 03:29 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Sturg observed the pipe. The crack wasn't too large, surely something simple could fix it?
"Hmmm...surely some Paramite web could fix that pipe up? Just wrap some round it...Paramite webbing is pretty tough, waterproof, sticks to almost anything...surely going and getting a horde of Sligs isn't really so necassary? And anyway, as long as there's sections of pipe here, which there seems to be plenty of unnecassary ones, removing a section and putting another in isn't such a big job, surely? I could probably do something like that, even. As I said, simple enough job"
02-10-2007, 09:27 AM
arkaznor's Avatar
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in: Ark was baffled, he had no idea what was going on. First the mudokon he had been talking to was giving him directions, than she cut off suddenly and starting shouting. But, that's when Ark smelled gunpowder. *OK, your in a factory again. But, that doesn't mean to start acting like a frightened meep. Time start acting like I did, when I was in that marsh being chased by sligs for two years.* Ark thought to himself.
"Why do you have a gun?" Ark asked pulling out his sprooce pistol, and turning around. Pointing his gun at the new comer, knowing full well that if this were just worker, he'd be kick out for sure.
Labor Force Ranch, raising slaves so you don't have to.

Last edited by arkaznor; 02-10-2007 at 09:32 AM.. : spelling/ typos
02-10-2007, 10:09 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Dek dreamed. He dreamed he was shrank down to a tiny size, no taller than a pen. Now, this would all be well and good, were it not for the other aspect of the dream- that being the fact he was furiously trying to escape from gigantic Vykkers attempting to catch him, beliveing he was a genetic mutation to experiment upon. He ran, dodging Snuzi darts and wild swipes with claws, then stumbled and fell. Lying down, he looked up and felt 4 great metal claws clamp on him, and begin violently shaking him as if they were electrified.
"No! NOOOO!! Not this! Not like this! It's not what you thi-"
Dek woke from his nightmare to realise that he was, in fact, regular size, no Vykkers were chasing him, and the only claws grabbing him were those of Praetyre. He cut his sentence off, embarrassed.
"Never speak of this again."
He got up off the bed, regarding Praetyre. "Go find #7 Slig, or send somebody after him. He's physically capable and is trained security, so can probably deal with Molt. I'll go check on him."
He walked into the room where Molt was, but he noticed there was no Slig to be found. He froze in horror, and spun round at Praetyre. "He's gone!"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

02-10-2007, 10:25 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Sure Psyke, sorry about that. But I would prefer Roid leaving his stuff in a storage room rather than Baggage Claim... That was a SoulStorm Brewery facility, wasn't it?


"Well, first of all..." said #7 Slig, after Roid finished his introduction. "...I'm #7 Slig, Head of Security of this place. Arnie sent you to see me, right? Well, there's no definate guard post for ny of the Sligs around here, just patrol on the corridors and make sure everything's OK."

He eyed the hacker Roid was holding. "Well, if you feel safe with that thing in a place full of Paramites and whatnot, be my guest to use it. But if I were you, I would carry at least a pistol, just to be on the safe side."


Rick was still catching his breath, after he was nearly strangled by RG. He was kind of amazed by the unconcern RG was showing to his blindness. "Uh... How is it... Aren't you annoyed that you can't see?" he asked.

"The function of sensing visual data is not irreplacible when you're a robot." he said. "Another drawback of being an organic..." he added nastily. "Still, as I said, I can hear what's happening around me, and I can sense sudden heat changes in a short proximity. But this is a basic function of my hardware, incomparable to my visual heat-seeking - which is currently inactive and will remain so, for obvious reasons." Shards of glass fell out from his 'eye' sockets.

"Can I do anything to help you?" asked Rick.

"For a start, you should lead me to a room where I can find tools to fix the damage done to my sensors."

"But how can you repair yourself if you're blind?" asked Rick, confused.

"I only need help to find the tools and the parts I need. I'm perfectly aware of the coordinates of my sensors and their components. You would see what I mean if you closed your eyes and tried to touch your chin with your finger."

Rick thought about this, closed his eyes and and tried to do so. RG was right, he found his chin on the first try. "Oh, I see what you mean. So I only have to give you tools and you'll do the rest?"

"Exactly. But first, you should be aware that there's something lurking at the walls to our right." said RG, turning his head to the place where he heard Goresplatter's pants hit the floor. Rick look around RG and saw a shadow moving in the crowd of pipes. "Who's there?" he called, raising the broken pipe in his hands.


Arnie noticed the new Glukkon standing near them. "We haven't met before, have we?" he asked. "Newcomer Glukkons usually send a message to us when they want to work here. Anyways, my name is Arnie, Boss of Rupture Farms, and this here..." He inclined his head to Otto. "...is my assistant and Flak Clerk of this factory, Otto."

"Howdy." came the greeting from Otto.

"Now, we were just inspecting the workers and the Grinding Station itself. Nothing out of the ordinary." said Arnie. After a short pause, he asked. "Why did you decide to come here, anyway?"


OOC: That's one long post. I tried to answer to everyone here.

Is that OK with you, Goresplatter?

02-10-2007, 01:09 PM
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Marv replied Otto's greeting with a nod.

He then turned back his attention to Arnie "Oh, im sorry if forgot to send a message, but i was in a hurry." he said. "I were so glad to hear that Rupture Farms was back in buissnes, so just wanted to get here as fast as possible. And i thought maybe you would be needing some good help with the PR, if you know what i mean?".

Marv then smiled and streched his body in a proud and confident way.
02-10-2007, 03:37 PM
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02-11-2007, 03:58 AM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
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OOC: I've edited my post now, so it makes more sense. I will participate in the RPG tomorrow. Also, Zero101, quit if you like, but if you do so, read some more books, get the general gist of how to put a little more detail into writing, and then just re-read the RPG rules. You never know-you might improve.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

02-11-2007, 07:53 AM
Taytay's Avatar
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OOC: Man, oh man, posting has surely accelerated (agreeing with Munch's Master). Heh, school takes way too much time...err.

IC: Scranton stared at the muds, not sure which one was Bonty, and which was Zap he smiled at both of them. Scranton winced at the pain of the stitches, they hurt his mouth a lot from smiling, but he maintained the smile. Scranton started: "Okay, since we don't have much time for long explanations let's just leave it for now as I am Scranton Im joining the escape crew, whichever one of you is leading, I am following. Scranton nodded his head, happy at the thought of displaying his art in the wild.
Zap was surprised at the new recruit, but kept quiet. Maybe this idea would turn out. "Hello, Scranton I am Zap, and this is the leader Bonty." Zap added motioning to Bonty. Zap knew they needed more recruits before doing anything big. Zap looked at Bonty and added "I say we go find fuzzles, because theres no reason they wouldn't join, and there might frightening to the industrialists when there loose, because there so vicious and powerful."
Jade stared at Arthur happily, he had a short usual vallet dream. "So boss, where we headin' now? I mean where is our cooking business located?"
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian
I love my girlfriend, Amy more than alot.
I love my family.
I love my music

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