There's somewhere on Abe's Oddysee (think at the end of Rupture Farms and at the beginning of the outside, at night) that you can read "all 28 mudokons died and YOU survived" or something like that. I think it's very, very, very difficult to save all 99 mudokons on Abe's Oddysee (and I played it for 3 years until my CD-ROM was lost by someone, I'm still looking for a new one, but here in Brazil it's pretty "impossible" - most people here prefer Counter Strike and The Sims, and every computer store here don't have much other games

), although I almost saved all the 300 mudokons on Abe's Exoddus (I could save 294 and failed on the very last part, where there's a bomb that explodes in 4 min - after about 80 tries, I gave up due to fatigue).